blob: 4716b68e733daaf6a97982ec18845ae41040cdfb [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2012 Desire NUENTSA WAKAM <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
namespace Eigen {
enum {
SPD = 0x100,
NonSymmetric = 0x0
* @brief Iterator to browse matrices from a specified folder
* This is used to load all the matrices from a folder.
* The matrices should be in Matrix Market format
* It is assumed that the matrices are named as matname.mtx
* and matname_SPD.mtx if the matrix is Symmetric and positive definite (or Hermitian)
* The right hand side vectors are loaded as well, if they exist.
* They should be named as matname_b.mtx.
* Note that the right hand side for a SPD matrix is named as matname_SPD_b.mtx
* Sometimes a reference solution is available. In this case, it should be named as matname_x.mtx
* Sample code
* \code
* \endcode
* \tparam Scalar The scalar type
template <typename Scalar>
class MatrixMarketIterator
typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> VectorType;
typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar,ColMajor> MatrixType;
MatrixMarketIterator(const std::string folder):m_sym(0),m_isvalid(false),m_matIsLoaded(false),m_hasRhs(false),m_hasrefX(false),m_folder(folder)
m_folder_id = opendir(folder.c_str());
if (!m_folder_id){
m_isvalid = false;
std::cerr << "The provided Matrix folder could not be opened \n\n";
if (m_folder_id) closedir(m_folder_id);
inline MatrixMarketIterator& operator++()
m_matIsLoaded = false;
m_hasrefX = false;
m_hasRhs = false;
return *this;
inline operator bool() const { return m_isvalid;}
/** Return the sparse matrix corresponding to the current file */
inline MatrixType& matrix()
// Read the matrix
if (m_matIsLoaded) return m_mat;
std::string matrix_file = m_folder + "/" + m_matname + ".mtx";
if ( !loadMarket(m_mat, matrix_file))
m_matIsLoaded = false;
return m_mat;
m_matIsLoaded = true;
if (m_sym != NonSymmetric)
{ // Store the upper part of the matrix. It is needed by the solvers dealing with nonsymmetric matrices ??
MatrixType B;
B = m_mat;
m_mat = B.template selfadjointView<Lower>();
return m_mat;
/** Return the right hand side corresponding to the current matrix.
* If the rhs file is not provided, a random rhs is generated
inline VectorType& rhs()
// Get the right hand side
if (m_hasRhs) return m_rhs;
std::string rhs_file;
rhs_file = m_folder + "/" + m_matname + "_b.mtx"; // The pattern is matname_b.mtx
m_hasRhs = Fileexists(rhs_file);
if (m_hasRhs)
m_hasRhs = loadMarketVector(m_rhs, rhs_file);
if (!m_hasRhs)
// Generate a random right hand side
if (!m_matIsLoaded) this->matrix();
m_rhs = m_mat * m_refX;
m_hasrefX = true;
m_hasRhs = true;
return m_rhs;
/** Return a reference solution
* If it is not provided and if the right hand side is not available
* then refX is randomly generated such that A*refX = b
* where A and b are the matrix and the rhs.
* Note that when a rhs is provided, refX is not available
inline VectorType& refX()
// Check if a reference solution is provided
if (m_hasrefX) return m_refX;
std::string lhs_file;
lhs_file = m_folder + "/" + m_matname + "_x.mtx";
m_hasrefX = Fileexists(lhs_file);
if (m_hasrefX)
m_hasrefX = loadMarketVector(m_refX, lhs_file);
return m_refX;
inline std::string& matname() { return m_matname; }
inline int sym() { return m_sym; }
inline bool hasRhs() {return m_hasRhs; }
inline bool hasrefX() {return m_hasrefX; }
inline bool Fileexists(std::string file)
std::ifstream file_id(file.c_str());
if (!file_id.good() )
return false;
return true;
void Getnextvalidmatrix( )
m_isvalid = false;
// Here, we return with the next valid matrix in the folder
while ( (m_curs_id = readdir(m_folder_id)) != NULL) {
m_isvalid = false;
std::string curfile;
curfile = m_folder + "/" + m_curs_id->d_name;
// Discard if it is a folder
if (m_curs_id->d_type == DT_DIR) continue; //FIXME This may not be available on non BSD systems
// struct stat st_buf;
// stat (curfile.c_str(), &st_buf);
// if (S_ISDIR(st_buf.st_mode)) continue;
// Determine from the header if it is a matrix or a right hand side
bool isvector,iscomplex;
if(!getMarketHeader(curfile,m_sym,iscomplex,isvector)) continue;
if(isvector) continue;
// Get the matrix name
std::string filename = m_curs_id->d_name;
m_matname = filename.substr(0, filename.length()-4);
// Find if the matrix is SPD
size_t found = m_matname.find("SPD");
if( (found!=std::string::npos) && (m_sym != NonSymmetric) )
m_sym = SPD;
m_isvalid = true;
int m_sym; // Symmetry of the matrix
MatrixType m_mat; // Current matrix
VectorType m_rhs; // Current vector
VectorType m_refX; // The reference solution, if exists
std::string m_matname; // Matrix Name
bool m_isvalid;
bool m_matIsLoaded; // Determine if the matrix has already been loaded from the file
bool m_hasRhs; // The right hand side exists
bool m_hasrefX; // A reference solution is provided
std::string m_folder;
DIR * m_folder_id;
struct dirent *m_curs_id;
} // end namespace Eigen