blob: 65fa19a79216a66d8dc25d9b5e407452782efcff [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Gael Guennebaud <>
// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// Eigen. If not, see <>.
/** \ingroup Sparse_Module
* \class SparseMatrixBase
* \brief Base class of any sparse matrices or sparse expressions
* \param Derived
template<typename Derived> class SparseMatrixBase : public EigenBase<Derived>
typedef typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename ei_packet_traits<Scalar>::type PacketScalar;
typedef SparseMatrixBase StorageBaseType;
enum {
RowsAtCompileTime = ei_traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime,
/**< The number of rows at compile-time. This is just a copy of the value provided
* by the \a Derived type. If a value is not known at compile-time,
* it is set to the \a Dynamic constant.
* \sa MatrixBase::rows(), MatrixBase::cols(), ColsAtCompileTime, SizeAtCompileTime */
ColsAtCompileTime = ei_traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime,
/**< The number of columns at compile-time. This is just a copy of the value provided
* by the \a Derived type. If a value is not known at compile-time,
* it is set to the \a Dynamic constant.
* \sa MatrixBase::rows(), MatrixBase::cols(), RowsAtCompileTime, SizeAtCompileTime */
SizeAtCompileTime = (ei_size_at_compile_time<ei_traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime,
/**< This is equal to the number of coefficients, i.e. the number of
* rows times the number of columns, or to \a Dynamic if this is not
* known at compile-time. \sa RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime */
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = RowsAtCompileTime,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = ColsAtCompileTime,
MaxSizeAtCompileTime = (ei_size_at_compile_time<MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
IsVectorAtCompileTime = RowsAtCompileTime == 1 || ColsAtCompileTime == 1,
/**< This is set to true if either the number of rows or the number of
* columns is known at compile-time to be equal to 1. Indeed, in that case,
* we are dealing with a column-vector (if there is only one column) or with
* a row-vector (if there is only one row). */
Flags = ei_traits<Derived>::Flags,
/**< This stores expression \ref flags flags which may or may not be inherited by new expressions
* constructed from this one. See the \ref flags "list of flags".
CoeffReadCost = ei_traits<Derived>::CoeffReadCost,
/**< This is a rough measure of how expensive it is to read one coefficient from
* this expression.
IsRowMajor = Flags&RowMajorBit ? 1 : 0,
_HasDirectAccess = (int(Flags)&DirectAccessBit) ? 1 : 0 // workaround sunCC
/* \internal the return type of MatrixBase::conjugate() */
// typedef typename ei_meta_if<NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex,
// const SparseCwiseUnaryOp<ei_scalar_conjugate_op<Scalar>, Derived>,
// const Derived&
// >::ret ConjugateReturnType;
/* \internal the return type of MatrixBase::real() */
// typedef SparseCwiseUnaryOp<ei_scalar_real_op<Scalar>, Derived> RealReturnType;
/* \internal the return type of MatrixBase::imag() */
// typedef SparseCwiseUnaryOp<ei_scalar_imag_op<Scalar>, Derived> ImagReturnType;
/** \internal the return type of MatrixBase::adjoint() */
typedef typename ei_meta_if<NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex,
CwiseUnaryOp<ei_scalar_conjugate_op<Scalar>, Eigen::Transpose<Derived> >,
>::ret AdjointReturnType;
typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar, Flags&RowMajorBit ? RowMajor : ColMajor> PlainObject;
#define EIGEN_CURRENT_STORAGE_BASE_CLASS Eigen::SparseMatrixBase
#include "../plugins/CommonCwiseUnaryOps.h"
#include "../plugins/CommonCwiseBinaryOps.h"
#include "../plugins/MatrixCwiseUnaryOps.h"
#include "../plugins/MatrixCwiseBinaryOps.h"
/** This is the "real scalar" type; if the \a Scalar type is already real numbers
* (e.g. int, float or double) then \a RealScalar is just the same as \a Scalar. If
* \a Scalar is \a std::complex<T> then RealScalar is \a T.
* \sa class NumTraits
typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
/** \internal the return type of coeff()
typedef typename ei_meta_if<_HasDirectAccess, const Scalar&, Scalar>::ret CoeffReturnType;
/** \internal Represents a matrix with all coefficients equal to one another*/
typedef CwiseNullaryOp<ei_scalar_constant_op<Scalar>,Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic> > ConstantReturnType;
/** type of the equivalent square matrix */
typedef Matrix<Scalar,EIGEN_ENUM_MAX(RowsAtCompileTime,ColsAtCompileTime),
EIGEN_ENUM_MAX(RowsAtCompileTime,ColsAtCompileTime)> SquareMatrixType;
inline const Derived& derived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived*>(this); }
inline Derived& derived() { return *static_cast<Derived*>(this); }
inline Derived& const_cast_derived() const
{ return *static_cast<Derived*>(const_cast<SparseMatrixBase*>(this)); }
/** \returns the number of rows. \sa cols(), RowsAtCompileTime */
inline int rows() const { return derived().rows(); }
/** \returns the number of columns. \sa rows(), ColsAtCompileTime*/
inline int cols() const { return derived().cols(); }
/** \returns the number of coefficients, which is \a rows()*cols().
* \sa rows(), cols(), SizeAtCompileTime. */
inline int size() const { return rows() * cols(); }
/** \returns the number of nonzero coefficients which is in practice the number
* of stored coefficients. */
inline int nonZeros() const { return derived().nonZeros(); }
/** \returns true if either the number of rows or the number of columns is equal to 1.
* In other words, this function returns
* \code rows()==1 || cols()==1 \endcode
* \sa rows(), cols(), IsVectorAtCompileTime. */
inline bool isVector() const { return rows()==1 || cols()==1; }
/** \returns the size of the storage major dimension,
* i.e., the number of columns for a columns major matrix, and the number of rows otherwise */
int outerSize() const { return (int(Flags)&RowMajorBit) ? this->rows() : this->cols(); }
/** \returns the size of the inner dimension according to the storage order,
* i.e., the number of rows for a columns major matrix, and the number of cols otherwise */
int innerSize() const { return (int(Flags)&RowMajorBit) ? this->cols() : this->rows(); }
bool isRValue() const { return m_isRValue; }
Derived& markAsRValue() { m_isRValue = true; return derived(); }
SparseMatrixBase() : m_isRValue(false) { /* TODO check flags */ }
inline Derived& operator=(const Derived& other)
// std::cout << "Derived& operator=(const Derived& other)\n";
// if (other.isRValue())
// derived().swap(other.const_cast_derived());
// else
return derived();
template<typename OtherDerived>
inline void assignGeneric(const OtherDerived& other)
// std::cout << "Derived& operator=(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other)\n";
//const bool transpose = (Flags & RowMajorBit) != (OtherDerived::Flags & RowMajorBit);
ei_assert(( ((ei_traits<Derived>::SupportedAccessPatterns&OuterRandomAccessPattern)==OuterRandomAccessPattern) ||
(!((Flags & RowMajorBit) != (OtherDerived::Flags & RowMajorBit)))) &&
"the transpose operation is supposed to be handled in SparseMatrix::operator=");
enum { Flip = (Flags & RowMajorBit) != (OtherDerived::Flags & RowMajorBit) };
const int outerSize = other.outerSize();
//typedef typename ei_meta_if<transpose, LinkedVectorMatrix<Scalar,Flags&RowMajorBit>, Derived>::ret TempType;
// thanks to shallow copies, we always eval to a tempary
Derived temp(other.rows(), other.cols());
for (int j=0; j<outerSize; ++j)
for (typename OtherDerived::InnerIterator it(other.derived(), j); it; ++it)
Scalar v = it.value();
if (v!=Scalar(0))
temp.insertBack(Flip?it.index():j,Flip?j:it.index()) = v;
derived() = temp.markAsRValue();
template<typename OtherDerived>
inline Derived& operator=(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other)
// std::cout << typeid(OtherDerived).name() << "\n";
// std::cout << Flags << " " << OtherDerived::Flags << "\n";
const bool transpose = (Flags & RowMajorBit) != (OtherDerived::Flags & RowMajorBit);
// std::cout << "eval transpose = " << transpose << "\n";
const int outerSize = (int(OtherDerived::Flags) & RowMajorBit) ? other.rows() : other.cols();
if ((!transpose) && other.isRValue())
// eval without temporary
derived().resize(other.rows(), other.cols());
for (int j=0; j<outerSize; ++j)
for (typename OtherDerived::InnerIterator it(other.derived(), j); it; ++it)
Scalar v = it.value();
if (v!=Scalar(0))
derived().insertBack(j,it.index()) = v;
return derived();
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
inline Derived& operator=(const SparseProduct<Lhs,Rhs>& product);
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
inline void _experimentalNewProduct(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs);
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & s, const SparseMatrixBase& m)
if (Flags&RowMajorBit)
for (int row=0; row<m.outerSize(); ++row)
int col = 0;
for (typename Derived::InnerIterator it(m.derived(), row); it; ++it)
for ( ; col<it.index(); ++col)
s << "0 ";
s << it.value() << " ";
for ( ; col<m.cols(); ++col)
s << "0 ";
s << std::endl;
if (m.cols() == 1) {
int row = 0;
for (typename Derived::InnerIterator it(m.derived(), 0); it; ++it)
for ( ; row<it.index(); ++row)
s << "0" << std::endl;
s << it.value() << std::endl;
for ( ; row<m.rows(); ++row)
s << "0" << std::endl;
SparseMatrix<Scalar, RowMajorBit> trans = m.derived();
s << trans;
return s;
// const SparseCwiseUnaryOp<ei_scalar_opposite_op<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar>,Derived> operator-() const;
// template<typename OtherDerived>
// const CwiseBinaryOp<ei_scalar_sum_op<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar>, Derived, OtherDerived>
// operator+(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const;
// template<typename OtherDerived>
// const CwiseBinaryOp<ei_scalar_difference_op<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar>, Derived, OtherDerived>
// operator-(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const;
template<typename OtherDerived>
Derived& operator+=(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other);
template<typename OtherDerived>
Derived& operator-=(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other);
// template<typename Lhs,typename Rhs>
// Derived& operator+=(const Flagged<Product<Lhs,Rhs,CacheFriendlyProduct>, 0, EvalBeforeNestingBit | EvalBeforeAssigningBit>& other);
Derived& operator*=(const Scalar& other);
Derived& operator/=(const Scalar& other);
CwiseBinaryOp< \
ei_scalar_product_op< \
typename ei_scalar_product_traits< \
typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar, \
typename ei_traits<OtherDerived>::Scalar \
>::ReturnType \
>, \
Derived, \
OtherDerived \
template<typename OtherDerived>
cwiseProduct(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const;
// const SparseCwiseUnaryOp<ei_scalar_multiple_op<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar>, Derived>
// operator*(const Scalar& scalar) const;
// const SparseCwiseUnaryOp<ei_scalar_quotient1_op<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar>, Derived>
// operator/(const Scalar& scalar) const;
// inline friend const SparseCwiseUnaryOp<ei_scalar_multiple_op<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar>, Derived>
// operator*(const Scalar& scalar, const SparseMatrixBase& matrix)
// { return matrix*scalar; }
// sparse * sparse
template<typename OtherDerived>
const typename SparseProductReturnType<Derived,OtherDerived>::Type
operator*(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const;
// sparse * diagonal
template<typename OtherDerived>
const SparseDiagonalProduct<Derived,OtherDerived>
operator*(const DiagonalBase<OtherDerived> &other) const;
// diagonal * sparse
template<typename OtherDerived> friend
const SparseDiagonalProduct<OtherDerived,Derived>
operator*(const DiagonalBase<OtherDerived> &lhs, const SparseMatrixBase& rhs)
{ return SparseDiagonalProduct<OtherDerived,Derived>(lhs.derived(), rhs.derived()); }
// dense * sparse (return a dense object)
template<typename OtherDerived> friend
const DenseTimeSparseProduct<OtherDerived,Derived>
operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& lhs, const Derived& rhs)
{ return DenseTimeSparseProduct<OtherDerived,Derived>(lhs.derived(),rhs); }
// sparse * dense (returns a dense object)
template<typename OtherDerived>
const SparseTimeDenseProduct<Derived,OtherDerived>
operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const;
template<typename OtherDerived>
Derived& operator*=(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other);
// deprecated
template<typename OtherDerived>
typename ei_plain_matrix_type_column_major<OtherDerived>::type
solveTriangular(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const;
// deprecated
template<typename OtherDerived>
void solveTriangularInPlace(MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const;
// template<typename OtherDerived>
// void solveTriangularInPlace(SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const;
#endif // EIGEN2_SUPPORT
template<int Mode>
inline const SparseTriangularView<Derived, Mode> triangularView() const;
template<unsigned int UpLo> inline const SparseSelfAdjointView<Derived, UpLo> selfadjointView() const;
template<unsigned int UpLo> inline SparseSelfAdjointView<Derived, UpLo> selfadjointView();
template<typename OtherDerived> Scalar dot(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const;
template<typename OtherDerived> Scalar dot(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const;
RealScalar squaredNorm() const;
RealScalar norm() const;
// const PlainObject normalized() const;
// void normalize();
Transpose<Derived> transpose() { return derived(); }
const Transpose<Derived> transpose() const { return derived(); }
// void transposeInPlace();
const AdjointReturnType adjoint() const { return transpose(); }
// sub-vector
SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,1> row(int i);
const SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,1> row(int i) const;
SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,1> col(int j);
const SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,1> col(int j) const;
SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,1> innerVector(int outer);
const SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,1> innerVector(int outer) const;
// set of sub-vectors
SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,Dynamic> subrows(int start, int size);
const SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,Dynamic> subrows(int start, int size) const;
SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,Dynamic> subcols(int start, int size);
const SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,Dynamic> subcols(int start, int size) const;
SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,Dynamic> innerVectors(int outerStart, int outerSize);
const SparseInnerVectorSet<Derived,Dynamic> innerVectors(int outerStart, int outerSize) const;
// typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type block(int startRow, int startCol, int blockRows, int blockCols);
// const typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type
// block(int startRow, int startCol, int blockRows, int blockCols) const;
// typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::SubVectorType segment(int start, int size);
// const typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::SubVectorType segment(int start, int size) const;
// typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Dynamic>::SubVectorType start(int size);
// const typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Dynamic>::SubVectorType start(int size) const;
// typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Dynamic>::SubVectorType end(int size);
// const typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Dynamic>::SubVectorType end(int size) const;
// template<int BlockRows, int BlockCols>
// typename BlockReturnType<Derived, BlockRows, BlockCols>::Type block(int startRow, int startCol);
// template<int BlockRows, int BlockCols>
// const typename BlockReturnType<Derived, BlockRows, BlockCols>::Type block(int startRow, int startCol) const;
// template<int Size> typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType start(void);
// template<int Size> const typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType start() const;
// template<int Size> typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType end();
// template<int Size> const typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType end() const;
// template<int Size> typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType segment(int start);
// template<int Size> const typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType segment(int start) const;
// Diagonal<Derived> diagonal();
// const Diagonal<Derived> diagonal() const;
// template<unsigned int Mode> Part<Derived, Mode> part();
// template<unsigned int Mode> const Part<Derived, Mode> part() const;
// static const ConstantReturnType Constant(int rows, int cols, const Scalar& value);
// static const ConstantReturnType Constant(int size, const Scalar& value);
// static const ConstantReturnType Constant(const Scalar& value);
// template<typename CustomNullaryOp>
// static const CwiseNullaryOp<CustomNullaryOp, Derived> NullaryExpr(int rows, int cols, const CustomNullaryOp& func);
// template<typename CustomNullaryOp>
// static const CwiseNullaryOp<CustomNullaryOp, Derived> NullaryExpr(int size, const CustomNullaryOp& func);
// template<typename CustomNullaryOp>
// static const CwiseNullaryOp<CustomNullaryOp, Derived> NullaryExpr(const CustomNullaryOp& func);
// static const ConstantReturnType Zero(int rows, int cols);
// static const ConstantReturnType Zero(int size);
// static const ConstantReturnType Zero();
// static const ConstantReturnType Ones(int rows, int cols);
// static const ConstantReturnType Ones(int size);
// static const ConstantReturnType Ones();
// static const IdentityReturnType Identity();
// static const IdentityReturnType Identity(int rows, int cols);
// static const BasisReturnType Unit(int size, int i);
// static const BasisReturnType Unit(int i);
// static const BasisReturnType UnitX();
// static const BasisReturnType UnitY();
// static const BasisReturnType UnitZ();
// static const BasisReturnType UnitW();
// const DiagonalMatrix<Derived> asDiagonal() const;
// Derived& setConstant(const Scalar& value);
// Derived& setZero();
// Derived& setOnes();
// Derived& setRandom();
// Derived& setIdentity();
/** \internal use operator= */
template<typename DenseDerived>
void evalTo(MatrixBase<DenseDerived>& dst) const
for (int j=0; j<outerSize(); ++j)
for (typename Derived::InnerIterator i(derived(),j); i; ++i)
dst.coeffRef(i.row(),i.col()) = i.value();
Matrix<Scalar,RowsAtCompileTime,ColsAtCompileTime> toDense() const
return derived();
template<typename OtherDerived>
bool isApprox(const SparseMatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other,
RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
{ return toDense().isApprox(other.toDense(),prec); }
template<typename OtherDerived>
bool isApprox(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other,
RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
{ return toDense().isApprox(other,prec); }
// bool isMuchSmallerThan(const RealScalar& other,
// RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// template<typename OtherDerived>
// bool isMuchSmallerThan(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other,
// RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// bool isApproxToConstant(const Scalar& value, RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// bool isZero(RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// bool isOnes(RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// bool isIdentity(RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// bool isDiagonal(RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// bool isUpper(RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// bool isLower(RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// template<typename OtherDerived>
// bool isOrthogonal(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other,
// RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// bool isUnitary(RealScalar prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const;
// template<typename OtherDerived>
// inline bool operator==(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const
// { return (cwise() == other).all(); }
// template<typename OtherDerived>
// inline bool operator!=(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const
// { return (cwise() != other).any(); }
// template<typename NewType>
// const SparseCwiseUnaryOp<ei_scalar_cast_op<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar, NewType>, Derived> cast() const;
/** \returns the matrix or vector obtained by evaluating this expression.
* Notice that in the case of a plain matrix or vector (not an expression) this function just returns
* a const reference, in order to avoid a useless copy.
inline const typename ei_eval<Derived>::type eval() const
{ return typename ei_eval<Derived>::type(derived()); }
// template<typename OtherDerived>
// void swap(MatrixBase<OtherDerived> EIGEN_REF_TO_TEMPORARY other);
// template<unsigned int Added>
// const SparseFlagged<Derived, Added, 0> marked() const;
// const Flagged<Derived, 0, EvalBeforeNestingBit | EvalBeforeAssigningBit> lazy() const;
/** \returns number of elements to skip to pass from one row (resp. column) to another
* for a row-major (resp. column-major) matrix.
* Combined with coeffRef() and the \ref flags flags, it allows a direct access to the data
* of the underlying matrix.
// inline int stride(void) const { return derived().stride(); }
// ConjugateReturnType conjugate() const;
// const RealReturnType real() const;
// const ImagReturnType imag() const;
// template<typename CustomUnaryOp>
// const SparseCwiseUnaryOp<CustomUnaryOp, Derived> unaryExpr(const CustomUnaryOp& func = CustomUnaryOp()) const;
// template<typename CustomBinaryOp, typename OtherDerived>
// const CwiseBinaryOp<CustomBinaryOp, Derived, OtherDerived>
// binaryExpr(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other, const CustomBinaryOp& func = CustomBinaryOp()) const;
Scalar sum() const;
// Scalar trace() const;
// typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar minCoeff() const;
// typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar maxCoeff() const;
// typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar minCoeff(int* row, int* col = 0) const;
// typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar maxCoeff(int* row, int* col = 0) const;
// template<typename BinaryOp>
// typename ei_result_of<BinaryOp(typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar)>::type
// redux(const BinaryOp& func) const;
// template<typename Visitor>
// void visit(Visitor& func) const;
// const SparseCwise<Derived> cwise() const;
// SparseCwise<Derived> cwise();
// inline const WithFormat<Derived> format(const IOFormat& fmt) const;
/////////// Array module ///////////
bool all(void) const;
bool any(void) const;
const VectorwiseOp<Derived,Horizontal> rowwise() const;
const VectorwiseOp<Derived,Vertical> colwise() const;
static const CwiseNullaryOp<ei_scalar_random_op<Scalar>,Derived> Random(int rows, int cols);
static const CwiseNullaryOp<ei_scalar_random_op<Scalar>,Derived> Random(int size);
static const CwiseNullaryOp<ei_scalar_random_op<Scalar>,Derived> Random();
template<typename ThenDerived,typename ElseDerived>
const Select<Derived,ThenDerived,ElseDerived>
select(const MatrixBase<ThenDerived>& thenMatrix,
const MatrixBase<ElseDerived>& elseMatrix) const;
template<typename ThenDerived>
inline const Select<Derived,ThenDerived, typename ThenDerived::ConstantReturnType>
select(const MatrixBase<ThenDerived>& thenMatrix, typename ThenDerived::Scalar elseScalar) const;
template<typename ElseDerived>
inline const Select<Derived, typename ElseDerived::ConstantReturnType, ElseDerived >
select(typename ElseDerived::Scalar thenScalar, const MatrixBase<ElseDerived>& elseMatrix) const;
template<int p> RealScalar lpNorm() const;
// template<typename OtherDerived>
// Scalar dot(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const
// {
// EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((ei_is_same_type<Scalar, typename OtherDerived::Scalar>::ret),
// ei_assert(derived().size() == other.size());
// // short version, but the assembly looks more complicated because
// // of the CwiseBinaryOp iterator complexity
// // return res = (derived().cwise() * other.derived().conjugate()).sum();
// // optimized, generic version
// typename Derived::InnerIterator i(derived(),0);
// typename OtherDerived::InnerIterator j(other.derived(),0);
// Scalar res = 0;
// while (i && j)
// {
// if (i.index()==j.index())
// {
// // std::cerr << i.value() << " * " << j.value() << "\n";
// res += i.value() * ei_conj(j.value());
// ++i; ++j;
// }
// else if (i.index()<j.index())
// ++i;
// else
// ++j;
// }
// return res;
// }
// Scalar sum() const
// {
// Scalar res = 0;
// for (typename Derived::InnerIterator iter(*this,0); iter; ++iter)
// {
// res += iter.value();
// }
// return res;
// }
taucs_ccs_matrix asTaucsMatrix();
cholmod_sparse asCholmodMatrix();
SluMatrix asSluMatrix();
bool m_isRValue;