blob: c205e6ddde37711045dd77b718f13009fbde0c4d [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2015 Gael Guennebaud <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// IWYU pragma: private
#include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"
namespace Eigen {
enum {
StandardCompressedFormat =
2 /**< used by Ref<SparseMatrix> to specify whether the input storage must be in standard compressed form */
namespace internal {
template <typename Derived>
class SparseRefBase;
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options_, typename StrideType_>
struct traits<Ref<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options_, StrideType_>>
: public traits<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>> {
typedef SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex> PlainObjectType;
enum { Options = Options_, Flags = traits<PlainObjectType>::Flags | CompressedAccessBit | NestByRefBit };
template <typename Derived>
struct match {
enum {
StorageOrderMatch = PlainObjectType::IsVectorAtCompileTime || Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime ||
((PlainObjectType::Flags & RowMajorBit) == (Derived::Flags & RowMajorBit)),
MatchAtCompileTime = (Derived::Flags & CompressedAccessBit) && StorageOrderMatch
typedef std::conditional_t<MatchAtCompileTime, internal::true_type, internal::false_type> type;
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options_, typename StrideType_>
struct traits<Ref<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options_, StrideType_>>
: public traits<Ref<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options_, StrideType_>> {
enum {
Flags =
(traits<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>>::Flags | CompressedAccessBit | NestByRefBit) & ~LvalueBit
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options_, typename StrideType_>
struct traits<Ref<SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options_, StrideType_>>
: public traits<SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>> {
typedef SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex> PlainObjectType;
enum { Options = Options_, Flags = traits<PlainObjectType>::Flags | CompressedAccessBit | NestByRefBit };
template <typename Derived>
struct match {
enum { MatchAtCompileTime = (Derived::Flags & CompressedAccessBit) && Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime };
typedef std::conditional_t<MatchAtCompileTime, internal::true_type, internal::false_type> type;
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options_, typename StrideType_>
struct traits<Ref<const SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options_, StrideType_>>
: public traits<Ref<SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options_, StrideType_>> {
enum {
Flags =
(traits<SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>>::Flags | CompressedAccessBit | NestByRefBit) & ~LvalueBit
template <typename Derived>
struct traits<SparseRefBase<Derived>> : public traits<Derived> {};
template <typename Derived>
class SparseRefBase : public SparseMapBase<Derived> {
typedef SparseMapBase<Derived> Base;
: Base(RowsAtCompileTime == Dynamic ? 0 : RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime == Dynamic ? 0 : ColsAtCompileTime,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0) {}
template <typename Expression>
void construct(Expression& expr) {
if (expr.outerIndexPtr() == 0)
internal::construct_at<Base>(this, expr.size(), expr.nonZeros(), expr.innerIndexPtr(), expr.valuePtr());
internal::construct_at<Base>(this, expr.rows(), expr.cols(), expr.nonZeros(), expr.outerIndexPtr(),
expr.innerIndexPtr(), expr.valuePtr(), expr.innerNonZeroPtr());
} // namespace internal
* \ingroup SparseCore_Module
* \brief A sparse matrix expression referencing an existing sparse expression
* \tparam SparseMatrixType the equivalent sparse matrix type of the referenced data, it must be a template instance of
* class SparseMatrix. \tparam Options specifies whether the a standard compressed format is required \c Options is \c
* #StandardCompressedFormat, or \c 0. The default is \c 0.
* \sa class Ref
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
class Ref<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>
: public internal::SparseRefBase<Ref<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>
template <typename SparseMatrixType, int Options>
class Ref<SparseMatrixType, Options>
: public SparseMapBase<Derived, WriteAccessors> // yes, that's weird to use Derived here, but that works!
typedef SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex> PlainObjectType;
typedef internal::traits<Ref> Traits;
template <int OtherOptions>
inline Ref(const SparseMatrix<MatScalar, OtherOptions, MatIndex>& expr);
template <int OtherOptions>
inline Ref(const Map<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, OtherOptions, MatIndex>>& expr);
typedef internal::SparseRefBase<Ref> Base;
template <int OtherOptions>
inline Ref(SparseMatrix<MatScalar, OtherOptions, MatIndex>& expr) {
bool(Traits::template match<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, OtherOptions, MatIndex>>::MatchAtCompileTime),
eigen_assert(((Options & int(StandardCompressedFormat)) == 0) || (expr.isCompressed()));
template <int OtherOptions>
inline Ref(Map<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, OtherOptions, MatIndex>>& expr) {
bool(Traits::template match<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, OtherOptions, MatIndex>>::MatchAtCompileTime),
eigen_assert(((Options & int(StandardCompressedFormat)) == 0) || (expr.isCompressed()));
template <typename Derived>
inline Ref(const SparseCompressedBase<Derived>& expr)
/** Implicit constructor from any sparse expression (2D matrix or 1D vector) */
template <typename Derived>
inline Ref(SparseCompressedBase<Derived>& expr)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(bool(internal::is_lvalue<Derived>::value), THIS_EXPRESSION_IS_NOT_A_LVALUE__IT_IS_READ_ONLY);
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime), STORAGE_LAYOUT_DOES_NOT_MATCH);
eigen_assert(((Options & int(StandardCompressedFormat)) == 0) || (expr.isCompressed()));
// this is the const ref version
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
class Ref<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>
: public internal::SparseRefBase<Ref<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>> {
typedef SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex> TPlainObjectType;
typedef internal::traits<Ref> Traits;
typedef internal::SparseRefBase<Ref> Base;
template <typename Derived>
inline Ref(const SparseMatrixBase<Derived>& expr) : m_hasCopy(false) {
construct(expr.derived(), typename Traits::template match<Derived>::type());
inline Ref(const Ref& other) : Base(other), m_hasCopy(false) {
// copy constructor shall not copy the m_object, to avoid unnecessary malloc and copy
template <typename OtherRef>
inline Ref(const RefBase<OtherRef>& other) : m_hasCopy(false) {
construct(other.derived(), typename Traits::template match<OtherRef>::type());
~Ref() {
if (m_hasCopy) {
template <typename Expression>
void construct(const Expression& expr, internal::true_type) {
if ((Options & int(StandardCompressedFormat)) && (!expr.isCompressed())) {
TPlainObjectType* obj = internal::construct_at(reinterpret_cast<TPlainObjectType*>(&m_storage), expr);
m_hasCopy = true;
} else {
template <typename Expression>
void construct(const Expression& expr, internal::false_type) {
TPlainObjectType* obj = internal::construct_at(reinterpret_cast<TPlainObjectType*>(&m_storage), expr);
m_hasCopy = true;
typename internal::aligned_storage<sizeof(TPlainObjectType), EIGEN_ALIGNOF(TPlainObjectType)>::type m_storage;
bool m_hasCopy;
* \ingroup SparseCore_Module
* \brief A sparse vector expression referencing an existing sparse vector expression
* \tparam SparseVectorType the equivalent sparse vector type of the referenced data, it must be a template instance of
* class SparseVector.
* \sa class Ref
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
class Ref<SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>
: public internal::SparseRefBase<Ref<SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>
template <typename SparseVectorType>
class Ref<SparseVectorType> : public SparseMapBase<Derived, WriteAccessors>
typedef SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex> PlainObjectType;
typedef internal::traits<Ref> Traits;
template <int OtherOptions>
inline Ref(const SparseVector<MatScalar, OtherOptions, MatIndex>& expr);
typedef internal::SparseRefBase<Ref> Base;
template <int OtherOptions>
inline Ref(SparseVector<MatScalar, OtherOptions, MatIndex>& expr) {
bool(Traits::template match<SparseVector<MatScalar, OtherOptions, MatIndex>>::MatchAtCompileTime),
template <typename Derived>
inline Ref(const SparseCompressedBase<Derived>& expr)
/** Implicit constructor from any 1D sparse vector expression */
template <typename Derived>
inline Ref(SparseCompressedBase<Derived>& expr)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(bool(internal::is_lvalue<Derived>::value), THIS_EXPRESSION_IS_NOT_A_LVALUE__IT_IS_READ_ONLY);
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(bool(Traits::template match<Derived>::MatchAtCompileTime), STORAGE_LAYOUT_DOES_NOT_MATCH);
// this is the const ref version
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
class Ref<const SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>
: public internal::SparseRefBase<Ref<const SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>> {
typedef SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex> TPlainObjectType;
typedef internal::traits<Ref> Traits;
typedef internal::SparseRefBase<Ref> Base;
template <typename Derived>
inline Ref(const SparseMatrixBase<Derived>& expr) : m_hasCopy(false) {
construct(expr.derived(), typename Traits::template match<Derived>::type());
inline Ref(const Ref& other) : Base(other), m_hasCopy(false) {
// copy constructor shall not copy the m_object, to avoid unnecessary malloc and copy
template <typename OtherRef>
inline Ref(const RefBase<OtherRef>& other) : m_hasCopy(false) {
construct(other.derived(), typename Traits::template match<OtherRef>::type());
~Ref() {
if (m_hasCopy) {
template <typename Expression>
void construct(const Expression& expr, internal::true_type) {
template <typename Expression>
void construct(const Expression& expr, internal::false_type) {
TPlainObjectType* obj = internal::construct_at(reinterpret_cast<TPlainObjectType*>(&m_storage), expr);
m_hasCopy = true;
typename internal::aligned_storage<sizeof(TPlainObjectType), EIGEN_ALIGNOF(TPlainObjectType)>::type m_storage;
bool m_hasCopy;
namespace internal {
// FIXME shall we introduce a general evaluatior_ref that we can specialize for any sparse object once, and thus remove
// this copy-pasta thing...
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
struct evaluator<Ref<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>
: evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Ref<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>> {
typedef evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Ref<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>> Base;
typedef Ref<SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> XprType;
evaluator() : Base() {}
explicit evaluator(const XprType& mat) : Base(mat) {}
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
struct evaluator<Ref<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>
: evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Ref<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>> {
typedef evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Ref<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>>
typedef Ref<const SparseMatrix<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> XprType;
evaluator() : Base() {}
explicit evaluator(const XprType& mat) : Base(mat) {}
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
struct evaluator<Ref<SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>
: evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Ref<SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>> {
typedef evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Ref<SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>> Base;
typedef Ref<SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> XprType;
evaluator() : Base() {}
explicit evaluator(const XprType& mat) : Base(mat) {}
template <typename MatScalar, int MatOptions, typename MatIndex, int Options, typename StrideType>
struct evaluator<Ref<const SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>
: evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Ref<const SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>> {
typedef evaluator<SparseCompressedBase<Ref<const SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType>>>
typedef Ref<const SparseVector<MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex>, Options, StrideType> XprType;
evaluator() : Base() {}
explicit evaluator(const XprType& mat) : Base(mat) {}
} // namespace internal
} // end namespace Eigen