blob: de42683447afdbb813a982d6301f469f65deeca8 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <>
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Benoit Jacob <>
// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// Eigen. If not, see <>.
/** \class Block
* \brief Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size block
* \param MatrixType the type of the object in which we are taking a block
* \param BlockRows the number of rows of the block we are taking at compile time (optional)
* \param BlockCols the number of columns of the block we are taking at compile time (optional)
* \param _PacketAccess allows to enforce aligned loads and stores if set to ForceAligned.
* The default is AsRequested. This parameter is internaly used by Eigen
* in expressions such as \code mat.block() += other; \endcode and most of
* the time this is the only way it is used.
* \param _DirectAccessStatus \internal used for partial specialization
* This class represents an expression of either a fixed-size or dynamic-size block. It is the return
* type of MatrixBase::block(int,int,int,int) and MatrixBase::block<int,int>(int,int) and
* most of the time this is the only way it is used.
* However, if you want to directly maniputate block expressions,
* for instance if you want to write a function returning such an expression, you
* will need to use this class.
* Here is an example illustrating the dynamic case:
* \include class_Block.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude class_Block.out
* \note Even though this expression has dynamic size, in the case where \a MatrixType
* has fixed size, this expression inherits a fixed maximal size which means that evaluating
* it does not cause a dynamic memory allocation.
* Here is an example illustrating the fixed-size case:
* \include class_FixedBlock.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude class_FixedBlock.out
* \sa MatrixBase::block(int,int,int,int), MatrixBase::block(int,int), class VectorBlock
template<typename MatrixType, int BlockRows, int BlockCols, int _PacketAccess, int _DirectAccessStatus>
struct ei_traits<Block<MatrixType, BlockRows, BlockCols, _PacketAccess, _DirectAccessStatus> >
typedef typename ei_traits<MatrixType>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename ei_nested<MatrixType>::type MatrixTypeNested;
typedef typename ei_unref<MatrixTypeNested>::type _MatrixTypeNested;
RowsAtCompileTime = BlockRows,
ColsAtCompileTime = BlockCols,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1
: (BlockRows==Dynamic ? int(ei_traits<MatrixType>::MaxRowsAtCompileTime) : BlockRows),
MaxColsAtCompileTime = ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1
: (BlockCols==Dynamic ? int(ei_traits<MatrixType>::MaxColsAtCompileTime) : BlockCols),
RowMajor = int(ei_traits<MatrixType>::Flags)&RowMajorBit,
InnerSize = RowMajor ? int(ColsAtCompileTime) : int(RowsAtCompileTime),
InnerMaxSize = RowMajor ? int(MaxColsAtCompileTime) : int(MaxRowsAtCompileTime),
MaskPacketAccessBit = (InnerMaxSize == Dynamic || (InnerSize >= ei_packet_traits<Scalar>::size))
? PacketAccessBit : 0,
FlagsLinearAccessBit = (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 || ColsAtCompileTime == 1) ? LinearAccessBit : 0,
Flags = (ei_traits<MatrixType>::Flags & (HereditaryBits | MaskPacketAccessBit | DirectAccessBit)) | FlagsLinearAccessBit,
CoeffReadCost = ei_traits<MatrixType>::CoeffReadCost,
PacketAccess = _PacketAccess
typedef typename ei_meta_if<int(PacketAccess)==ForceAligned,
Block<MatrixType, BlockRows, BlockCols, _PacketAccess, _DirectAccessStatus>&,
Block<MatrixType, BlockRows, BlockCols, ForceAligned, _DirectAccessStatus> >::ret AlignedDerivedType;
template<typename MatrixType, int BlockRows, int BlockCols, int PacketAccess, int _DirectAccessStatus> class Block
: public MatrixBase<Block<MatrixType, BlockRows, BlockCols, PacketAccess, _DirectAccessStatus> >
class InnerIterator;
/** Column or Row constructor
inline Block(const MatrixType& matrix, int i)
: m_matrix(matrix),
// It is a row if and only if BlockRows==1 and BlockCols==MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
// and it is a column if and only if BlockRows==MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime and BlockCols==1,
// all other cases are invalid.
// The case a 1x1 matrix seems ambiguous, but the result is the same anyway.
m_startRow( (BlockRows==1) && (BlockCols==MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime) ? i : 0),
m_startCol( (BlockRows==MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime) && (BlockCols==1) ? i : 0),
m_blockRows(matrix.rows()), // if it is a row, then m_blockRows has a fixed-size of 1, so no pb to try to overwrite it
m_blockCols(matrix.cols()) // same for m_blockCols
ei_assert( (i>=0) && (
((BlockRows==1) && (BlockCols==MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime) && i<matrix.rows())
||((BlockRows==MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime) && (BlockCols==1) && i<matrix.cols())));
/** Fixed-size constructor
inline Block(const MatrixType& matrix, int startRow, int startCol)
: m_matrix(matrix), m_startRow(startRow), m_startCol(startCol),
m_blockRows(matrix.rows()), m_blockCols(matrix.cols())
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(RowsAtCompileTime!=Dynamic && ColsAtCompileTime!=Dynamic,THIS_METHOD_IS_ONLY_FOR_FIXED_SIZE)
ei_assert(startRow >= 0 && BlockRows >= 1 && startRow + BlockRows <= matrix.rows()
&& startCol >= 0 && BlockCols >= 1 && startCol + BlockCols <= matrix.cols());
/** Dynamic-size constructor
inline Block(const MatrixType& matrix,
int startRow, int startCol,
int blockRows, int blockCols)
: m_matrix(matrix), m_startRow(startRow), m_startCol(startCol),
m_blockRows(blockRows), m_blockCols(blockCols)
ei_assert((RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic || RowsAtCompileTime==blockRows)
&& (ColsAtCompileTime==Dynamic || ColsAtCompileTime==blockCols));
ei_assert(startRow >= 0 && blockRows >= 1 && startRow + blockRows <= matrix.rows()
&& startCol >= 0 && blockCols >= 1 && startCol + blockCols <= matrix.cols());
inline int rows() const { return m_blockRows.value(); }
inline int cols() const { return m_blockCols.value(); }
inline Scalar& coeffRef(int row, int col)
return m_matrix.const_cast_derived()
.coeffRef(row + m_startRow.value(), col + m_startCol.value());
inline const CoeffReturnType coeff(int row, int col) const
return m_matrix.coeff(row + m_startRow.value(), col + m_startCol.value());
inline Scalar& coeffRef(int index)
return m_matrix.const_cast_derived()
.coeffRef(m_startRow.value() + (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : index),
m_startCol.value() + (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? index : 0));
inline const CoeffReturnType coeff(int index) const
return m_matrix
.coeff(m_startRow.value() + (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : index),
m_startCol.value() + (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? index : 0));
template<int LoadMode>
inline PacketScalar packet(int row, int col) const
return m_matrix.template packet<Unaligned>
(row + m_startRow.value(), col + m_startCol.value());
template<int LoadMode>
inline void writePacket(int row, int col, const PacketScalar& x)
m_matrix.const_cast_derived().template writePacket<Unaligned>
(row + m_startRow.value(), col + m_startCol.value(), x);
template<int LoadMode>
inline PacketScalar packet(int index) const
return m_matrix.template packet<Unaligned>
(m_startRow.value() + (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : index),
m_startCol.value() + (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? index : 0));
template<int LoadMode>
inline void writePacket(int index, const PacketScalar& x)
m_matrix.const_cast_derived().template writePacket<Unaligned>
(m_startRow.value() + (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : index),
m_startCol.value() + (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? index : 0), x);
const typename MatrixType::Nested m_matrix;
const ei_int_if_dynamic<MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : Dynamic> m_startRow;
const ei_int_if_dynamic<MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : Dynamic> m_startCol;
const ei_int_if_dynamic<RowsAtCompileTime> m_blockRows;
const ei_int_if_dynamic<ColsAtCompileTime> m_blockCols;
/** \internal */
template<typename MatrixType, int BlockRows, int BlockCols, int PacketAccess>
class Block<MatrixType,BlockRows,BlockCols,PacketAccess,HasDirectAccess>
: public MapBase<Block<MatrixType, BlockRows, BlockCols,PacketAccess,HasDirectAccess> >
class InnerIterator;
typedef typename ei_traits<Block>::AlignedDerivedType AlignedDerivedType;
friend class Block<MatrixType,BlockRows,BlockCols,PacketAccess==AsRequested?ForceAligned:AsRequested,HasDirectAccess>;
AlignedDerivedType _convertToForceAligned()
return Block<MatrixType,BlockRows,BlockCols,ForceAligned,HasDirectAccess>
(m_matrix, Base::m_data, Base::m_rows.value(), Base::m_cols.value());
/** Column or Row constructor
inline Block(const MatrixType& matrix, int i)
: Base(&matrix.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(
(BlockRows==1) && (BlockCols==MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime) ? i : 0,
(BlockRows==MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime) && (BlockCols==1) ? i : 0),
BlockRows==1 ? 1 : matrix.rows(),
BlockCols==1 ? 1 : matrix.cols()),
ei_assert( (i>=0) && (
((BlockRows==1) && (BlockCols==MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime) && i<matrix.rows())
||((BlockRows==MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime) && (BlockCols==1) && i<matrix.cols())));
/** Fixed-size constructor
inline Block(const MatrixType& matrix, int startRow, int startCol)
: Base(&matrix.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(startRow,startCol)), m_matrix(matrix)
ei_assert(startRow >= 0 && BlockRows >= 1 && startRow + BlockRows <= matrix.rows()
&& startCol >= 0 && BlockCols >= 1 && startCol + BlockCols <= matrix.cols());
/** Dynamic-size constructor
inline Block(const MatrixType& matrix,
int startRow, int startCol,
int blockRows, int blockCols)
: Base(&matrix.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(startRow,startCol), blockRows, blockCols),
ei_assert((RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic || RowsAtCompileTime==blockRows)
&& (ColsAtCompileTime==Dynamic || ColsAtCompileTime==blockCols));
ei_assert(startRow >= 0 && blockRows >= 1 && startRow + blockRows <= matrix.rows()
&& startCol >= 0 && blockCols >= 1 && startCol + blockCols <= matrix.cols());
inline int stride(void) const { return m_matrix.stride(); }
/** \internal used by allowAligned() */
inline Block(const MatrixType& matrix, const Scalar* data, int blockRows, int blockCols)
: Base(data, blockRows, blockCols), m_matrix(matrix)
const typename MatrixType::Nested m_matrix;
/** \returns a dynamic-size expression of a block in *this.
* \param startRow the first row in the block
* \param startCol the first column in the block
* \param blockRows the number of rows in the block
* \param blockCols the number of columns in the block
* \addexample BlockIntIntIntInt \label How to reference a sub-matrix (dynamic-size)
* Example: \include MatrixBase_block_int_int_int_int.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_block_int_int_int_int.out
* \note Even though the returned expression has dynamic size, in the case
* when it is applied to a fixed-size matrix, it inherits a fixed maximal size,
* which means that evaluating it does not cause a dynamic memory allocation.
* \sa class Block, block(int,int)
template<typename Derived>
inline typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type MatrixBase<Derived>
::block(int startRow, int startCol, int blockRows, int blockCols)
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type(derived(), startRow, startCol, blockRows, blockCols);
/** This is the const version of block(int,int,int,int). */
template<typename Derived>
inline const typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type MatrixBase<Derived>
::block(int startRow, int startCol, int blockRows, int blockCols) const
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type(derived(), startRow, startCol, blockRows, blockCols);
/** \returns a dynamic-size expression of a segment (i.e. a vector block) in *this.
* \only_for_vectors
* \addexample SegmentIntInt \label How to reference a sub-vector (dynamic size)
* \param start the first coefficient in the segment
* \param size the number of coefficients in the segment
* Example: \include MatrixBase_segment_int_int.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_segment_int_int.out
* \note Even though the returned expression has dynamic size, in the case
* when it is applied to a fixed-size vector, it inherits a fixed maximal size,
* which means that evaluating it does not cause a dynamic memory allocation.
* \sa class Block, segment(int)
template<typename Derived>
inline typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::SubVectorType MatrixBase<Derived>
::segment(int start, int size)
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::SubVectorType(derived(), RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : start,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : start,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size);
/** This is the const version of segment(int,int).*/
template<typename Derived>
inline const typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::SubVectorType
MatrixBase<Derived>::segment(int start, int size) const
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::SubVectorType(derived(), RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : start,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : start,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size);
/** \returns a dynamic-size expression of the first coefficients of *this.
* \only_for_vectors
* \param size the number of coefficients in the block
* \addexample BlockInt \label How to reference a sub-vector (fixed-size)
* Example: \include MatrixBase_start_int.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_start_int.out
* \note Even though the returned expression has dynamic size, in the case
* when it is applied to a fixed-size vector, it inherits a fixed maximal size,
* which means that evaluating it does not cause a dynamic memory allocation.
* \sa class Block, block(int,int)
template<typename Derived>
inline typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Dynamic>::SubVectorType
MatrixBase<Derived>::start(int size)
return Block<Derived,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Dynamic,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Dynamic>
(derived(), 0, 0,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size);
/** This is the const version of start(int).*/
template<typename Derived>
inline const typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Dynamic>::SubVectorType
MatrixBase<Derived>::start(int size) const
return Block<Derived,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Dynamic,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Dynamic>
(derived(), 0, 0,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size);
/** \returns a dynamic-size expression of the last coefficients of *this.
* \only_for_vectors
* \param size the number of coefficients in the block
* \addexample BlockEnd \label How to reference the end of a vector (fixed-size)
* Example: \include MatrixBase_end_int.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_end_int.out
* \note Even though the returned expression has dynamic size, in the case
* when it is applied to a fixed-size vector, it inherits a fixed maximal size,
* which means that evaluating it does not cause a dynamic memory allocation.
* \sa class Block, block(int,int)
template<typename Derived>
inline typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Dynamic>::SubVectorType
MatrixBase<Derived>::end(int size)
return Block<Derived,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Dynamic,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Dynamic>
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : rows() - size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : cols() - size,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size);
/** This is the const version of end(int).*/
template<typename Derived>
inline const typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Dynamic>::SubVectorType
MatrixBase<Derived>::end(int size) const
return Block<Derived,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Dynamic,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Dynamic>
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : rows() - size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : cols() - size,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : size);
/** \returns a fixed-size expression of a segment (i.e. a vector block) in \c *this
* \only_for_vectors
* The template parameter \a Size is the number of coefficients in the block
* \param start the index of the first element of the sub-vector
* Example: \include MatrixBase_template_int_segment.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_template_int_segment.out
* \sa class Block
template<typename Derived>
template<int Size>
inline typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType
MatrixBase<Derived>::segment(int start)
return Block<Derived, (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size),
(ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size)>
(derived(), RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : start,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : start);
/** This is the const version of segment<int>(int).*/
template<typename Derived>
template<int Size>
inline const typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType
MatrixBase<Derived>::segment(int start) const
return Block<Derived, (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size),
(ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size)>
(derived(), RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : start,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : start);
/** \returns a fixed-size expression of the first coefficients of *this.
* \only_for_vectors
* The template parameter \a Size is the number of coefficients in the block
* \addexample BlockStart \label How to reference the start of a vector (fixed-size)
* Example: \include MatrixBase_template_int_start.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_template_int_start.out
* \sa class Block
template<typename Derived>
template<int Size>
inline typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType
return Block<Derived, (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size),
(ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size)>(derived(), 0, 0);
/** This is the const version of start<int>().*/
template<typename Derived>
template<int Size>
inline const typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType
MatrixBase<Derived>::start() const
return Block<Derived, (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size),
(ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size)>(derived(), 0, 0);
/** \returns a fixed-size expression of the last coefficients of *this.
* \only_for_vectors
* The template parameter \a Size is the number of coefficients in the block
* Example: \include MatrixBase_template_int_end.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_template_int_end.out
* \sa class Block
template<typename Derived>
template<int Size>
inline typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType
return Block<Derived, RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size>
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : rows() - Size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : cols() - Size);
/** This is the const version of end<int>.*/
template<typename Derived>
template<int Size>
inline const typename BlockReturnType<Derived,Size>::SubVectorType
MatrixBase<Derived>::end() const
return Block<Derived, RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 1 : Size>
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : rows() - Size,
ColsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : cols() - Size);
/** \returns a dynamic-size expression of a corner of *this.
* \param type the type of corner. Can be \a Eigen::TopLeft, \a Eigen::TopRight,
* \a Eigen::BottomLeft, \a Eigen::BottomRight.
* \param cRows the number of rows in the corner
* \param cCols the number of columns in the corner
* \addexample BlockCornerDynamicSize \label How to reference a sub-corner of a matrix
* Example: \include MatrixBase_corner_enum_int_int.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_corner_enum_int_int.out
* \note Even though the returned expression has dynamic size, in the case
* when it is applied to a fixed-size matrix, it inherits a fixed maximal size,
* which means that evaluating it does not cause a dynamic memory allocation.
* \sa class Block, block(int,int,int,int)
template<typename Derived>
inline typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type MatrixBase<Derived>
::corner(CornerType type, int cRows, int cCols)
ei_assert(false && "Bad corner type.");
case TopLeft:
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type(derived(), 0, 0, cRows, cCols);
case TopRight:
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type(derived(), 0, cols() - cCols, cRows, cCols);
case BottomLeft:
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type(derived(), rows() - cRows, 0, cRows, cCols);
case BottomRight:
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type(derived(), rows() - cRows, cols() - cCols, cRows, cCols);
/** This is the const version of corner(CornerType, int, int).*/
template<typename Derived>
inline const typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type
MatrixBase<Derived>::corner(CornerType type, int cRows, int cCols) const
ei_assert(false && "Bad corner type.");
case TopLeft:
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type(derived(), 0, 0, cRows, cCols);
case TopRight:
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type(derived(), 0, cols() - cCols, cRows, cCols);
case BottomLeft:
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type(derived(), rows() - cRows, 0, cRows, cCols);
case BottomRight:
return typename BlockReturnType<Derived>::Type(derived(), rows() - cRows, cols() - cCols, cRows, cCols);
/** \returns a fixed-size expression of a corner of *this.
* \param type the type of corner. Can be \a Eigen::TopLeft, \a Eigen::TopRight,
* \a Eigen::BottomLeft, \a Eigen::BottomRight.
* The template parameters CRows and CCols arethe number of rows and columns in the corner.
* Example: \include MatrixBase_template_int_int_corner_enum.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_template_int_int_corner_enum.out
* \sa class Block, block(int,int,int,int)
template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
inline typename BlockReturnType<Derived, CRows, CCols>::Type
MatrixBase<Derived>::corner(CornerType type)
ei_assert(false && "Bad corner type.");
case TopLeft:
return Block<Derived, CRows, CCols>(derived(), 0, 0);
case TopRight:
return Block<Derived, CRows, CCols>(derived(), 0, cols() - CCols);
case BottomLeft:
return Block<Derived, CRows, CCols>(derived(), rows() - CRows, 0);
case BottomRight:
return Block<Derived, CRows, CCols>(derived(), rows() - CRows, cols() - CCols);
/** This is the const version of corner<int, int>(CornerType).*/
template<typename Derived>
template<int CRows, int CCols>
inline const typename BlockReturnType<Derived, CRows, CCols>::Type
MatrixBase<Derived>::corner(CornerType type) const
ei_assert(false && "Bad corner type.");
case TopLeft:
return Block<Derived, CRows, CCols>(derived(), 0, 0);
case TopRight:
return Block<Derived, CRows, CCols>(derived(), 0, cols() - CCols);
case BottomLeft:
return Block<Derived, CRows, CCols>(derived(), rows() - CRows, 0);
case BottomRight:
return Block<Derived, CRows, CCols>(derived(), rows() - CRows, cols() - CCols);
/** \returns a fixed-size expression of a block in *this.
* The template parameters \a BlockRows and \a BlockCols are the number of
* rows and columns in the block.
* \param startRow the first row in the block
* \param startCol the first column in the block
* \addexample BlockSubMatrixFixedSize \label How to reference a sub-matrix (fixed-size)
* Example: \include MatrixBase_block_int_int.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_block_int_int.out
* \note since block is a templated member, the keyword template has to be used
* if the matrix type is also a template parameter: \code m.template block<3,3>(1,1); \endcode
* \sa class Block, block(int,int,int,int)
template<typename Derived>
template<int BlockRows, int BlockCols>
inline typename BlockReturnType<Derived, BlockRows, BlockCols>::Type
MatrixBase<Derived>::block(int startRow, int startCol)
return Block<Derived, BlockRows, BlockCols>(derived(), startRow, startCol);
/** This is the const version of block<>(int, int). */
template<typename Derived>
template<int BlockRows, int BlockCols>
inline const typename BlockReturnType<Derived, BlockRows, BlockCols>::Type
MatrixBase<Derived>::block(int startRow, int startCol) const
return Block<Derived, BlockRows, BlockCols>(derived(), startRow, startCol);
/** \returns an expression of the \a i-th column of *this. Note that the numbering starts at 0.
* \addexample BlockColumn \label How to reference a single column of a matrix
* Example: \include MatrixBase_col.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_col.out
* \sa row(), class Block */
template<typename Derived>
inline typename MatrixBase<Derived>::ColXpr
MatrixBase<Derived>::col(int i)
return ColXpr(derived(), i);
/** This is the const version of col(). */
template<typename Derived>
inline const typename MatrixBase<Derived>::ColXpr
MatrixBase<Derived>::col(int i) const
return ColXpr(derived(), i);
/** \returns an expression of the \a i-th row of *this. Note that the numbering starts at 0.
* \addexample BlockRow \label How to reference a single row of a matrix
* Example: \include MatrixBase_row.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_row.out
* \sa col(), class Block */
template<typename Derived>
inline typename MatrixBase<Derived>::RowXpr
MatrixBase<Derived>::row(int i)
return RowXpr(derived(), i);
/** This is the const version of row(). */
template<typename Derived>
inline const typename MatrixBase<Derived>::RowXpr
MatrixBase<Derived>::row(int i) const
return RowXpr(derived(), i);
#endif // EIGEN_BLOCK_H