blob: 4c253f450c261be43e5b7d98e9644a4822363124 [file] [log] [blame]
eigen3 ; with lines lw 4 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "black"
eigen3_novec ; with lines lw 2 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "#999999"
eigen3_nogccvec ; with lines lw 2 lt 2 lc rgbcolor "#991010"
INTEL_MKL ; with lines lw 3 lt 2 lc rgbcolor "#00b7ff"
ATLAS ; with lines lw 3 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "#52e657"
gmm ; with lines lw 3 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "#0000ff"
ublas ; with lines lw 3 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "#ff0000"
mtl4 ; with lines lw 3 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "#d18847"
blitz ; with lines lw 3 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "#ff00ff"
F77 ; with lines lw 3 lt 3 lc rgbcolor "#e6e64c"
GOTO ; with lines lw 3 lt 3 lc rgbcolor "#e6bd96"
C ; with lines lw 3 lt 3 lc rgbcolor "#e6bd96"
ACML ; with lines lw 2 lt 3 lc rgbcolor "#e6e64c"