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// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <>
// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// Eigen. If not, see <>.
/** \ingroup QR_Module
* \nonstableyet
* \class Tridiagonalization
* \brief Trigiagonal decomposition of a selfadjoint matrix
* \param MatrixType the type of the matrix of which we are performing the tridiagonalization
* This class performs a tridiagonal decomposition of a selfadjoint matrix \f$ A \f$ such that:
* \f$ A = Q T Q^* \f$ where \f$ Q \f$ is unitary and \f$ T \f$ a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
* \sa MatrixBase::tridiagonalize()
template<typename _MatrixType> class Tridiagonalization
typedef _MatrixType MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
typedef typename ei_packet_traits<Scalar>::type Packet;
enum {
Size = MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime,
SizeMinusOne = MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic
? Dynamic
: MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime-1,
PacketSize = ei_packet_traits<Scalar>::size
typedef Matrix<Scalar, SizeMinusOne, 1> CoeffVectorType;
typedef Matrix<RealScalar, Size, 1> DiagonalType;
typedef Matrix<RealScalar, SizeMinusOne, 1> SubDiagonalType;
typedef typename NestByValue<DiagonalCoeffs<MatrixType> >::RealReturnType DiagonalReturnType;
typedef typename NestByValue<DiagonalCoeffs<
NestByValue<Block<MatrixType,SizeMinusOne,SizeMinusOne> > > >::RealReturnType SubDiagonalReturnType;
/** This constructor initializes a Tridiagonalization object for
* further use with Tridiagonalization::compute()
Tridiagonalization(int size = Size==Dynamic ? 2 : Size)
: m_matrix(size,size), m_hCoeffs(size-1)
Tridiagonalization(const MatrixType& matrix)
: m_matrix(matrix),
_compute(m_matrix, m_hCoeffs);
/** Computes or re-compute the tridiagonalization for the matrix \a matrix.
* This method allows to re-use the allocated data.
void compute(const MatrixType& matrix)
m_matrix = matrix;
m_hCoeffs.resize(matrix.rows()-1, 1);
_compute(m_matrix, m_hCoeffs);
/** \returns the householder coefficients allowing to
* reconstruct the matrix Q from the packed data.
* \sa packedMatrix()
inline CoeffVectorType householderCoefficients(void) const { return m_hCoeffs; }
/** \returns the internal result of the decomposition.
* The returned matrix contains the following information:
* - the strict upper part is equal to the input matrix A
* - the diagonal and lower sub-diagonal represent the tridiagonal symmetric matrix (real).
* - the rest of the lower part contains the Householder vectors that, combined with
* Householder coefficients returned by householderCoefficients(),
* allows to reconstruct the matrix Q as follow:
* Q = H_{N-1} ... H_1 H_0
* where the matrices H are the Householder transformations:
* H_i = (I - h_i * v_i * v_i')
* where h_i == householderCoefficients()[i] and v_i is a Householder vector:
* v_i = [ 0, ..., 0, 1, M(i+2,i), ..., M(N-1,i) ]
* See LAPACK for further details on this packed storage.
inline const MatrixType& packedMatrix(void) const { return m_matrix; }
MatrixType matrixQ(void) const;
MatrixType matrixT(void) const;
const DiagonalReturnType diagonal(void) const;
const SubDiagonalReturnType subDiagonal(void) const;
static void decomposeInPlace(MatrixType& mat, DiagonalType& diag, SubDiagonalType& subdiag, bool extractQ = true);
static void _compute(MatrixType& matA, CoeffVectorType& hCoeffs);
static void _decomposeInPlace3x3(MatrixType& mat, DiagonalType& diag, SubDiagonalType& subdiag, bool extractQ = true);
MatrixType m_matrix;
CoeffVectorType m_hCoeffs;
/** \returns an expression of the diagonal vector */
template<typename MatrixType>
const typename Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::DiagonalReturnType
Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::diagonal(void) const
return m_matrix.diagonal().nestByValue().real();
/** \returns an expression of the sub-diagonal vector */
template<typename MatrixType>
const typename Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::SubDiagonalReturnType
Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::subDiagonal(void) const
int n = m_matrix.rows();
return Block<MatrixType,SizeMinusOne,SizeMinusOne>(m_matrix, 1, 0, n-1,n-1)
/** constructs and returns the tridiagonal matrix T.
* Note that the matrix T is equivalent to the diagonal and sub-diagonal of the packed matrix.
* Therefore, it might be often sufficient to directly use the packed matrix, or the vector
* expressions returned by diagonal() and subDiagonal() instead of creating a new matrix.
template<typename MatrixType>
typename Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::MatrixType
Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::matrixT(void) const
// FIXME should this function (and other similar ones) rather take a matrix as argument
// and fill it ? (to avoid temporaries)
int n = m_matrix.rows();
MatrixType matT = m_matrix;
matT.corner(TopRight,n-1, n-1).diagonal() = subDiagonal().template cast<Scalar>().conjugate();
if (n>2)
matT.corner(TopRight,n-2, n-2).template part<UpperTriangular>().setZero();
matT.corner(BottomLeft,n-2, n-2).template part<LowerTriangular>().setZero();
return matT;
/** \internal
* Performs a tridiagonal decomposition of \a matA in place.
* \param matA the input selfadjoint matrix
* \param hCoeffs returned Householder coefficients
* The result is written in the lower triangular part of \a matA.
* Implemented from Golub's "Matrix Computations", algorithm 8.3.1.
* \sa packedMatrix()
template<typename MatrixType>
void Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::_compute(MatrixType& matA, CoeffVectorType& hCoeffs)
int n = matA.rows();
// std::cerr << matA << "\n\n";
for (int i = 0; i<n-2; ++i)
// let's consider the vector v = i-th column starting at position i+1
// start of the householder transformation
// squared norm of the vector v skipping the first element
RealScalar v1norm2 = matA.col(i).end(n-(i+2)).squaredNorm();
if (ei_isMuchSmallerThan(v1norm2,static_cast<Scalar>(1)))
hCoeffs.coeffRef(i) = 0.;
Scalar v0 = matA.col(i).coeff(i+1);
RealScalar beta = ei_sqrt(ei_abs2(v0)+v1norm2);
if (ei_real(v0)>=0.)
beta = -beta;
matA.col(i).end(n-(i+2)) *= (Scalar(1)/(v0-beta));
matA.col(i).coeffRef(i+1) = beta;
Scalar h = (beta - v0) / beta;
// end of the householder transformation
// Apply similarity transformation to remaining columns,
// i.e., A = H' A H where H = I - h v v' and v = matA.col(i).end(n-i-1)
matA.col(i).coeffRef(i+1) = 1;
/* This is the initial algorithm which minimize operation counts and maximize
* the use of Eigen's expression. Unfortunately, the first matrix-vector product
* using Part<LowerTriangular|Selfadjoint> is very very slow */
// matrix - vector product
hCoeffs.end(n-i-1) = (matA.corner(BottomRight,n-i-1,n-i-1).template part<LowerTriangular|SelfAdjoint>()
* (h * matA.col(i).end(n-i-1))).lazy();
// simple axpy
hCoeffs.end(n-i-1) += (h * Scalar(-0.5) * matA.col(i).end(n-i-1).dot(hCoeffs.end(n-i-1)))
* matA.col(i).end(n-i-1);
// rank-2 update
//Block<MatrixType,Dynamic,1> B(matA,i+1,i,n-i-1,1);
matA.corner(BottomRight,n-i-1,n-i-1).template part<LowerTriangular>() -=
(matA.col(i).end(n-i-1) * hCoeffs.end(n-i-1).adjoint()).lazy()
+ (hCoeffs.end(n-i-1) * matA.col(i).end(n-i-1).adjoint()).lazy();
/* end initial algorithm */
/* If we still want to minimize operation count (i.e., perform operation on the lower part only)
* then we could provide the following algorithm for selfadjoint - vector product. However, a full
* matrix-vector product is still faster (at least for dynamic size, and not too small, did not check
* small matrices). The algo performs block matrix-vector and transposed matrix vector products. */
int n4 = (std::max(0,n-4)/4)*4;
for (int b=i+1; b<n4; b+=4)
// the ?x4 part:
hCoeffs.end(b-4) +=
Block<MatrixType,Dynamic,4>(matA,b+4,b,n-b-4,4) * matA.template block<4,1>(b,i);
// the respective transposed part:
Block<CoeffVectorType,4,1>(hCoeffs, b, 0, 4,1) +=
Block<MatrixType,Dynamic,4>(matA,b+4,b,n-b-4,4).adjoint() * Block<MatrixType,Dynamic,1>(matA,b+4,i,n-b-4,1);
// the 4x4 block diagonal:
Block<CoeffVectorType,4,1>(hCoeffs, b, 0, 4,1) +=
(Block<MatrixType,4,4>(matA,b,b,4,4).template part<LowerTriangular|SelfAdjoint>()
* (h * Block<MatrixType,4,1>(matA,b,i,4,1))).lazy();
// todo: handle the remaining part
/* end optimized selfadjoint - vector product */
/* Another interesting note: the above rank-2 update is much slower than the following hand written loop.
* After an analyze of the ASM, it seems GCC (4.2) generate poor code because of the Block. Moreover,
* if we remove the specialization of Block for Matrix then it is even worse, much worse ! */
for (int j1=i+1; j1<n; ++j1)
for (int i1=j1; i1<n; ++i1)
matA.coeffRef(i1,j1) -= matA.coeff(i1,i)*ei_conj(hCoeffs.coeff(j1-1))
+ hCoeffs.coeff(i1-1)*ei_conj(matA.coeff(j1,i));
/* end hand writen partial rank-2 update */
/* The current fastest implementation: the full matrix is used, no "optimization" to use/compute
* only half of the matrix. Custom vectorization of the inner col -= alpha X + beta Y such that access
* to col are always aligned. Once we support that in Assign, then the algorithm could be rewriten as
* a single compact expression. This code is therefore a good benchmark when will do that. */
// let's use the end of hCoeffs to store temporary values:
hCoeffs.end(n-i-1) = (matA.corner(BottomRight,n-i-1,n-i-1) * (h * matA.col(i).end(n-i-1))).lazy();
// FIXME in the above expr a temporary is created because of the scalar multiple by h
hCoeffs.end(n-i-1) += (h * Scalar(-0.5) * matA.col(i).end(n-i-1).dot(hCoeffs.end(n-i-1)))
* matA.col(i).end(n-i-1);
const Scalar* EIGEN_RESTRICT pb = &matA.coeffRef(0,i);
const Scalar* EIGEN_RESTRICT pa = (&hCoeffs.coeffRef(0)) - 1;
for (int j1=i+1; j1<n; ++j1)
int starti = i+1;
int alignedEnd = starti;
if (PacketSize>1)
int alignedStart = (starti) + ei_alignmentOffset(&matA.coeffRef(starti,j1), n-starti);
alignedEnd = alignedStart + ((n-alignedStart)/PacketSize)*PacketSize;
for (int i1=starti; i1<alignedStart; ++i1)
matA.coeffRef(i1,j1) -= matA.coeff(i1,i)*ei_conj(hCoeffs.coeff(j1-1))
+ hCoeffs.coeff(i1-1)*ei_conj(matA.coeff(j1,i));
Packet tmp0 = ei_pset1(hCoeffs.coeff(j1-1));
Packet tmp1 = ei_pset1(matA.coeff(j1,i));
Scalar* pc = &matA.coeffRef(0,j1);
for (int i1=alignedStart ; i1<alignedEnd; i1+=PacketSize)
ei_padd(ei_pmul(tmp0, ei_ploadu(pb+i1)),
ei_pmul(tmp1, ei_ploadu(pa+i1)))));
for (int i1=alignedEnd; i1<n; ++i1)
matA.coeffRef(i1,j1) -= matA.coeff(i1,i)*ei_conj(hCoeffs.coeff(j1-1))
+ hCoeffs.coeff(i1-1)*ei_conj(matA.coeff(j1,i));
/* end optimized implementation */
// note: at that point matA(i+1,i+1) is the (i+1)-th element of the final diagonal
// note: the sequence of the beta values leads to the subdiagonal entries
matA.col(i).coeffRef(i+1) = beta;
hCoeffs.coeffRef(i) = h;
if (NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex)
// Householder transformation on the remaining single scalar
int i = n-2;
Scalar v0 = matA.col(i).coeff(i+1);
RealScalar beta = ei_abs(v0);
if (ei_real(v0)>=0.)
beta = -beta;
matA.col(i).coeffRef(i+1) = beta;
hCoeffs.coeffRef(i) = (beta - v0) / beta;
hCoeffs.coeffRef(n-2) = 0;
/** reconstructs and returns the matrix Q */
template<typename MatrixType>
typename Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::MatrixType
Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::matrixQ(void) const
int n = m_matrix.rows();
MatrixType matQ = MatrixType::Identity(n,n);
for (int i = n-2; i>=0; i--)
Scalar tmp = m_matrix.coeff(i+1,i);
m_matrix.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(i+1,i) = 1;
matQ.corner(BottomRight,n-i-1,n-i-1) -=
((m_hCoeffs.coeff(i) * m_matrix.col(i).end(n-i-1)) *
(m_matrix.col(i).end(n-i-1).adjoint() * matQ.corner(BottomRight,n-i-1,n-i-1)).lazy()).lazy();
m_matrix.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(i+1,i) = tmp;
return matQ;
/** Performs a full decomposition in place */
template<typename MatrixType>
void Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::decomposeInPlace(MatrixType& mat, DiagonalType& diag, SubDiagonalType& subdiag, bool extractQ)
int n = mat.rows();
ei_assert(mat.cols()==n && diag.size()==n && subdiag.size()==n-1);
if (n==3 && (!NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex) )
_decomposeInPlace3x3(mat, diag, subdiag, extractQ);
Tridiagonalization tridiag(mat);
diag = tridiag.diagonal();
subdiag = tridiag.subDiagonal();
if (extractQ)
mat = tridiag.matrixQ();
/** \internal
* Optimized path for 3x3 matrices.
* Especially useful for plane fitting.
template<typename MatrixType>
void Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::_decomposeInPlace3x3(MatrixType& mat, DiagonalType& diag, SubDiagonalType& subdiag, bool extractQ)
diag[0] = ei_real(mat(0,0));
RealScalar v1norm2 = ei_abs2(mat(0,2));
if (ei_isMuchSmallerThan(v1norm2, RealScalar(1)))
diag[1] = ei_real(mat(1,1));
diag[2] = ei_real(mat(2,2));
subdiag[0] = ei_real(mat(0,1));
subdiag[1] = ei_real(mat(1,2));
if (extractQ)
RealScalar beta = ei_sqrt(ei_abs2(mat(0,1))+v1norm2);
RealScalar invBeta = RealScalar(1)/beta;
Scalar m01 = mat(0,1) * invBeta;
Scalar m02 = mat(0,2) * invBeta;
Scalar q = RealScalar(2)*m01*mat(1,2) + m02*(mat(2,2) - mat(1,1));
diag[1] = ei_real(mat(1,1) + m02*q);
diag[2] = ei_real(mat(2,2) - m02*q);
subdiag[0] = beta;
subdiag[1] = ei_real(mat(1,2) - m01 * q);
if (extractQ)
mat(0,0) = 1;
mat(0,1) = 0;
mat(0,2) = 0;
mat(1,0) = 0;
mat(1,1) = m01;
mat(1,2) = m02;
mat(2,0) = 0;
mat(2,1) = m02;
mat(2,2) = -m01;