blob: ca991cad26ad2e7d1e3b5d8da54c27a1c7e899cd [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2009 Gael Guennebaud <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// IWYU pragma: private
#include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
template <typename Derived>
class BandMatrixBase : public EigenBase<Derived> {
enum {
Flags = internal::traits<Derived>::Flags,
CoeffReadCost = internal::traits<Derived>::CoeffReadCost,
RowsAtCompileTime = internal::traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime,
ColsAtCompileTime = internal::traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = internal::traits<Derived>::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = internal::traits<Derived>::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
Supers = internal::traits<Derived>::Supers,
Subs = internal::traits<Derived>::Subs,
Options = internal::traits<Derived>::Options
typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime> DenseMatrixType;
typedef typename DenseMatrixType::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::CoefficientsType CoefficientsType;
typedef EigenBase<Derived> Base;
enum {
DataRowsAtCompileTime = ((Supers != Dynamic) && (Subs != Dynamic)) ? 1 + Supers + Subs : Dynamic,
SizeAtCompileTime = min_size_prefer_dynamic(RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime)
using Base::cols;
using Base::derived;
using Base::rows;
/** \returns the number of super diagonals */
inline Index supers() const { return derived().supers(); }
/** \returns the number of sub diagonals */
inline Index subs() const { return derived().subs(); }
/** \returns an expression of the underlying coefficient matrix */
inline const CoefficientsType& coeffs() const { return derived().coeffs(); }
/** \returns an expression of the underlying coefficient matrix */
inline CoefficientsType& coeffs() { return derived().coeffs(); }
/** \returns a vector expression of the \a i -th column,
* only the meaningful part is returned.
* \warning the internal storage must be column major. */
inline Block<CoefficientsType, Dynamic, 1> col(Index i) {
Index start = 0;
Index len = coeffs().rows();
if (i <= supers()) {
start = supers() - i;
len = (std::min)(rows(), std::max<Index>(0, coeffs().rows() - (supers() - i)));
} else if (i >= rows() - subs())
len = std::max<Index>(0, coeffs().rows() - (i + 1 - rows() + subs()));
return Block<CoefficientsType, Dynamic, 1>(coeffs(), start, i, len, 1);
/** \returns a vector expression of the main diagonal */
inline Block<CoefficientsType, 1, SizeAtCompileTime> diagonal() {
return Block<CoefficientsType, 1, SizeAtCompileTime>(coeffs(), supers(), 0, 1, (std::min)(rows(), cols()));
/** \returns a vector expression of the main diagonal (const version) */
inline const Block<const CoefficientsType, 1, SizeAtCompileTime> diagonal() const {
return Block<const CoefficientsType, 1, SizeAtCompileTime>(coeffs(), supers(), 0, 1, (std::min)(rows(), cols()));
template <int Index>
struct DiagonalIntReturnType {
enum {
ReturnOpposite =
(int(Options) & int(SelfAdjoint)) && (((Index) > 0 && Supers == 0) || ((Index) < 0 && Subs == 0)),
Conjugate = ReturnOpposite && NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex,
ActualIndex = ReturnOpposite ? -Index : Index,
DiagonalSize =
(RowsAtCompileTime == Dynamic || ColsAtCompileTime == Dynamic)
? Dynamic
: (ActualIndex < 0 ? min_size_prefer_dynamic(ColsAtCompileTime, RowsAtCompileTime + ActualIndex)
: min_size_prefer_dynamic(RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime - ActualIndex))
typedef Block<CoefficientsType, 1, DiagonalSize> BuildType;
typedef std::conditional_t<Conjugate, CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_conjugate_op<Scalar>, BuildType>, BuildType>
/** \returns a vector expression of the \a N -th sub or super diagonal */
template <int N>
inline typename DiagonalIntReturnType<N>::Type diagonal() {
return typename DiagonalIntReturnType<N>::BuildType(coeffs(), supers() - N, (std::max)(0, N), 1, diagonalLength(N));
/** \returns a vector expression of the \a N -th sub or super diagonal */
template <int N>
inline const typename DiagonalIntReturnType<N>::Type diagonal() const {
return typename DiagonalIntReturnType<N>::BuildType(coeffs(), supers() - N, (std::max)(0, N), 1, diagonalLength(N));
/** \returns a vector expression of the \a i -th sub or super diagonal */
inline Block<CoefficientsType, 1, Dynamic> diagonal(Index i) {
eigen_assert((i < 0 && -i <= subs()) || (i >= 0 && i <= supers()));
return Block<CoefficientsType, 1, Dynamic>(coeffs(), supers() - i, std::max<Index>(0, i), 1, diagonalLength(i));
/** \returns a vector expression of the \a i -th sub or super diagonal */
inline const Block<const CoefficientsType, 1, Dynamic> diagonal(Index i) const {
eigen_assert((i < 0 && -i <= subs()) || (i >= 0 && i <= supers()));
return Block<const CoefficientsType, 1, Dynamic>(coeffs(), supers() - i, std::max<Index>(0, i), 1,
template <typename Dest>
inline void evalTo(Dest& dst) const {
dst.resize(rows(), cols());
dst.diagonal() = diagonal();
for (Index i = 1; i <= supers(); ++i) dst.diagonal(i) = diagonal(i);
for (Index i = 1; i <= subs(); ++i) dst.diagonal(-i) = diagonal(-i);
DenseMatrixType toDenseMatrix() const {
DenseMatrixType res(rows(), cols());
return res;
inline Index diagonalLength(Index i) const {
return i < 0 ? (std::min)(cols(), rows() + i) : (std::min)(rows(), cols() - i);
* \class BandMatrix
* \ingroup Core_Module
* \brief Represents a rectangular matrix with a banded storage
* \tparam Scalar_ Numeric type, i.e. float, double, int
* \tparam Rows_ Number of rows, or \b Dynamic
* \tparam Cols_ Number of columns, or \b Dynamic
* \tparam Supers_ Number of super diagonal
* \tparam Subs_ Number of sub diagonal
* \tparam Options_ A combination of either \b #RowMajor or \b #ColMajor, and of \b #SelfAdjoint
* The former controls \ref TopicStorageOrders "storage order", and defaults to
* column-major. The latter controls whether the matrix represents a selfadjoint
* matrix in which case either Supers of Subs have to be null.
* \sa class TridiagonalMatrix
template <typename Scalar_, int Rows_, int Cols_, int Supers_, int Subs_, int Options_>
struct traits<BandMatrix<Scalar_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_> > {
typedef Scalar_ Scalar;
typedef Dense StorageKind;
typedef Eigen::Index StorageIndex;
enum {
CoeffReadCost = NumTraits<Scalar>::ReadCost,
RowsAtCompileTime = Rows_,
ColsAtCompileTime = Cols_,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = Rows_,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = Cols_,
Flags = LvalueBit,
Supers = Supers_,
Subs = Subs_,
Options = Options_,
DataRowsAtCompileTime = ((Supers != Dynamic) && (Subs != Dynamic)) ? 1 + Supers + Subs : Dynamic
typedef Matrix<Scalar, DataRowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime, int(Options) & int(RowMajor) ? RowMajor : ColMajor>
template <typename Scalar_, int Rows, int Cols, int Supers, int Subs, int Options>
class BandMatrix : public BandMatrixBase<BandMatrix<Scalar_, Rows, Cols, Supers, Subs, Options> > {
typedef typename internal::traits<BandMatrix>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename internal::traits<BandMatrix>::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
typedef typename internal::traits<BandMatrix>::CoefficientsType CoefficientsType;
explicit inline BandMatrix(Index rows = Rows, Index cols = Cols, Index supers = Supers, Index subs = Subs)
: m_coeffs(1 + supers + subs, cols), m_rows(rows), m_supers(supers), m_subs(subs) {}
/** \returns the number of columns */
inline EIGEN_CONSTEXPR Index rows() const { return m_rows.value(); }
/** \returns the number of rows */
inline EIGEN_CONSTEXPR Index cols() const { return m_coeffs.cols(); }
/** \returns the number of super diagonals */
inline EIGEN_CONSTEXPR Index supers() const { return m_supers.value(); }
/** \returns the number of sub diagonals */
inline EIGEN_CONSTEXPR Index subs() const { return m_subs.value(); }
inline const CoefficientsType& coeffs() const { return m_coeffs; }
inline CoefficientsType& coeffs() { return m_coeffs; }
CoefficientsType m_coeffs;
internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index, Rows> m_rows;
internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index, Supers> m_supers;
internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index, Subs> m_subs;
template <typename CoefficientsType_, int Rows_, int Cols_, int Supers_, int Subs_, int Options_>
class BandMatrixWrapper;
template <typename CoefficientsType_, int Rows_, int Cols_, int Supers_, int Subs_, int Options_>
struct traits<BandMatrixWrapper<CoefficientsType_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_> > {
typedef typename CoefficientsType_::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename CoefficientsType_::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename CoefficientsType_::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
enum {
CoeffReadCost = internal::traits<CoefficientsType_>::CoeffReadCost,
RowsAtCompileTime = Rows_,
ColsAtCompileTime = Cols_,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = Rows_,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = Cols_,
Flags = LvalueBit,
Supers = Supers_,
Subs = Subs_,
Options = Options_,
DataRowsAtCompileTime = ((Supers != Dynamic) && (Subs != Dynamic)) ? 1 + Supers + Subs : Dynamic
typedef CoefficientsType_ CoefficientsType;
template <typename CoefficientsType_, int Rows_, int Cols_, int Supers_, int Subs_, int Options_>
class BandMatrixWrapper
: public BandMatrixBase<BandMatrixWrapper<CoefficientsType_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_> > {
typedef typename internal::traits<BandMatrixWrapper>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename internal::traits<BandMatrixWrapper>::CoefficientsType CoefficientsType;
typedef typename internal::traits<BandMatrixWrapper>::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
explicit inline BandMatrixWrapper(const CoefficientsType& coeffs, Index rows = Rows_, Index cols = Cols_,
Index supers = Supers_, Index subs = Subs_)
: m_coeffs(coeffs), m_rows(rows), m_supers(supers), m_subs(subs) {
// eigen_assert(coeffs.cols()==cols() && (supers()+subs()+1)==coeffs.rows());
/** \returns the number of columns */
inline EIGEN_CONSTEXPR Index rows() const { return m_rows.value(); }
/** \returns the number of rows */
inline EIGEN_CONSTEXPR Index cols() const { return m_coeffs.cols(); }
/** \returns the number of super diagonals */
inline EIGEN_CONSTEXPR Index supers() const { return m_supers.value(); }
/** \returns the number of sub diagonals */
inline EIGEN_CONSTEXPR Index subs() const { return m_subs.value(); }
inline const CoefficientsType& coeffs() const { return m_coeffs; }
const CoefficientsType& m_coeffs;
internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index, Rows_> m_rows;
internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index, Supers_> m_supers;
internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index, Subs_> m_subs;
* \class TridiagonalMatrix
* \ingroup Core_Module
* \brief Represents a tridiagonal matrix with a compact banded storage
* \tparam Scalar Numeric type, i.e. float, double, int
* \tparam Size Number of rows and cols, or \b Dynamic
* \tparam Options Can be 0 or \b SelfAdjoint
* \sa class BandMatrix
template <typename Scalar, int Size, int Options>
class TridiagonalMatrix : public BandMatrix<Scalar, Size, Size, Options & SelfAdjoint ? 0 : 1, 1, Options | RowMajor> {
typedef BandMatrix<Scalar, Size, Size, Options & SelfAdjoint ? 0 : 1, 1, Options | RowMajor> Base;
typedef typename Base::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
explicit TridiagonalMatrix(Index size = Size) : Base(size, size, Options & SelfAdjoint ? 0 : 1, 1) {}
inline typename Base::template DiagonalIntReturnType<1>::Type super() { return Base::template diagonal<1>(); }
inline const typename Base::template DiagonalIntReturnType<1>::Type super() const {
return Base::template diagonal<1>();
inline typename Base::template DiagonalIntReturnType<-1>::Type sub() { return Base::template diagonal<-1>(); }
inline const typename Base::template DiagonalIntReturnType<-1>::Type sub() const {
return Base::template diagonal<-1>();
struct BandShape {};
template <typename Scalar_, int Rows_, int Cols_, int Supers_, int Subs_, int Options_>
struct evaluator_traits<BandMatrix<Scalar_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_> >
: public evaluator_traits_base<BandMatrix<Scalar_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_> > {
typedef BandShape Shape;
template <typename CoefficientsType_, int Rows_, int Cols_, int Supers_, int Subs_, int Options_>
struct evaluator_traits<BandMatrixWrapper<CoefficientsType_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_> >
: public evaluator_traits_base<BandMatrixWrapper<CoefficientsType_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_> > {
typedef BandShape Shape;
template <>
struct AssignmentKind<DenseShape, BandShape> {
typedef EigenBase2EigenBase Kind;
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Eigen