blob: 09967fffd8142ad0422a99377a8258aab0bf0fe4 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
namespace Eigen {
template <typename MatrixType_, int UpLo_, SparseFactorization_t Solver_, bool EnforceSquare_>
class AccelerateImpl;
/** \ingroup AccelerateSupport_Module
* \class AccelerateLLT
* \brief A direct Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on Accelerate
* \warning Only single and double precision real scalar types are supported by Accelerate
* \tparam MatrixType_ the type of the sparse matrix A, it must be a SparseMatrix<>
* \tparam UpLo_ additional information about the matrix structure. Default is Lower.
* \sa \ref TutorialSparseSolverConcept, class AccelerateLLT
template <typename MatrixType, int UpLo = Lower>
using AccelerateLLT = AccelerateImpl<MatrixType, UpLo | Symmetric, SparseFactorizationCholesky, true>;
/** \ingroup AccelerateSupport_Module
* \class AccelerateLDLT
* \brief The default Cholesky (LDLT) factorization and solver based on Accelerate
* \warning Only single and double precision real scalar types are supported by Accelerate
* \tparam MatrixType_ the type of the sparse matrix A, it must be a SparseMatrix<>
* \tparam UpLo_ additional information about the matrix structure. Default is Lower.
* \sa \ref TutorialSparseSolverConcept, class AccelerateLDLT
template <typename MatrixType, int UpLo = Lower>
using AccelerateLDLT = AccelerateImpl<MatrixType, UpLo | Symmetric, SparseFactorizationLDLT, true>;
/** \ingroup AccelerateSupport_Module
* \class AccelerateLDLTUnpivoted
* \brief A direct Cholesky-like LDL^T factorization and solver based on Accelerate with only 1x1 pivots and no pivoting
* \warning Only single and double precision real scalar types are supported by Accelerate
* \tparam MatrixType_ the type of the sparse matrix A, it must be a SparseMatrix<>
* \tparam UpLo_ additional information about the matrix structure. Default is Lower.
* \sa \ref TutorialSparseSolverConcept, class AccelerateLDLTUnpivoted
template <typename MatrixType, int UpLo = Lower>
using AccelerateLDLTUnpivoted = AccelerateImpl<MatrixType, UpLo | Symmetric, SparseFactorizationLDLTUnpivoted, true>;
/** \ingroup AccelerateSupport_Module
* \class AccelerateLDLTSBK
* \brief A direct Cholesky (LDLT) factorization and solver based on Accelerate with Supernode Bunch-Kaufman and static
* pivoting
* \warning Only single and double precision real scalar types are supported by Accelerate
* \tparam MatrixType_ the type of the sparse matrix A, it must be a SparseMatrix<>
* \tparam UpLo_ additional information about the matrix structure. Default is Lower.
* \sa \ref TutorialSparseSolverConcept, class AccelerateLDLTSBK
template <typename MatrixType, int UpLo = Lower>
using AccelerateLDLTSBK = AccelerateImpl<MatrixType, UpLo | Symmetric, SparseFactorizationLDLTSBK, true>;
/** \ingroup AccelerateSupport_Module
* \class AccelerateLDLTTPP
* \brief A direct Cholesky (LDLT) factorization and solver based on Accelerate with full threshold partial pivoting
* \warning Only single and double precision real scalar types are supported by Accelerate
* \tparam MatrixType_ the type of the sparse matrix A, it must be a SparseMatrix<>
* \tparam UpLo_ additional information about the matrix structure. Default is Lower.
* \sa \ref TutorialSparseSolverConcept, class AccelerateLDLTTPP
template <typename MatrixType, int UpLo = Lower>
using AccelerateLDLTTPP = AccelerateImpl<MatrixType, UpLo | Symmetric, SparseFactorizationLDLTTPP, true>;
/** \ingroup AccelerateSupport_Module
* \class AccelerateQR
* \brief A QR factorization and solver based on Accelerate
* \warning Only single and double precision real scalar types are supported by Accelerate
* \tparam MatrixType_ the type of the sparse matrix A, it must be a SparseMatrix<>
* \sa \ref TutorialSparseSolverConcept, class AccelerateQR
template <typename MatrixType>
using AccelerateQR = AccelerateImpl<MatrixType, 0, SparseFactorizationQR, false>;
/** \ingroup AccelerateSupport_Module
* \class AccelerateCholeskyAtA
* \brief A QR factorization and solver based on Accelerate without storing Q (equivalent to A^TA = R^T R)
* \warning Only single and double precision real scalar types are supported by Accelerate
* \tparam MatrixType_ the type of the sparse matrix A, it must be a SparseMatrix<>
* \sa \ref TutorialSparseSolverConcept, class AccelerateCholeskyAtA
template <typename MatrixType>
using AccelerateCholeskyAtA = AccelerateImpl<MatrixType, 0, SparseFactorizationCholeskyAtA, false>;
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
struct AccelFactorizationDeleter {
void operator()(T* sym) {
if (sym) {
delete sym;
sym = nullptr;
template <typename DenseVecT, typename DenseMatT, typename SparseMatT, typename NumFactT>
struct SparseTypesTraitBase {
typedef DenseVecT AccelDenseVector;
typedef DenseMatT AccelDenseMatrix;
typedef SparseMatT AccelSparseMatrix;
typedef SparseOpaqueSymbolicFactorization SymbolicFactorization;
typedef NumFactT NumericFactorization;
typedef AccelFactorizationDeleter<SymbolicFactorization> SymbolicFactorizationDeleter;
typedef AccelFactorizationDeleter<NumericFactorization> NumericFactorizationDeleter;
template <typename Scalar>
struct SparseTypesTrait {};
template <>
struct SparseTypesTrait<double> : SparseTypesTraitBase<DenseVector_Double, DenseMatrix_Double, SparseMatrix_Double,
SparseOpaqueFactorization_Double> {};
template <>
struct SparseTypesTrait<float>
: SparseTypesTraitBase<DenseVector_Float, DenseMatrix_Float, SparseMatrix_Float, SparseOpaqueFactorization_Float> {
} // end namespace internal
template <typename MatrixType_, int UpLo_, SparseFactorization_t Solver_, bool EnforceSquare_>
class AccelerateImpl : public SparseSolverBase<AccelerateImpl<MatrixType_, UpLo_, Solver_, EnforceSquare_> > {
using Base = SparseSolverBase<AccelerateImpl>;
using Base::derived;
using Base::m_isInitialized;
using Base::_solve_impl;
typedef MatrixType_ MatrixType;
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::StorageIndex StorageIndex;
enum { ColsAtCompileTime = Dynamic, MaxColsAtCompileTime = Dynamic };
enum { UpLo = UpLo_ };
using AccelDenseVector = typename internal::SparseTypesTrait<Scalar>::AccelDenseVector;
using AccelDenseMatrix = typename internal::SparseTypesTrait<Scalar>::AccelDenseMatrix;
using AccelSparseMatrix = typename internal::SparseTypesTrait<Scalar>::AccelSparseMatrix;
using SymbolicFactorization = typename internal::SparseTypesTrait<Scalar>::SymbolicFactorization;
using NumericFactorization = typename internal::SparseTypesTrait<Scalar>::NumericFactorization;
using SymbolicFactorizationDeleter = typename internal::SparseTypesTrait<Scalar>::SymbolicFactorizationDeleter;
using NumericFactorizationDeleter = typename internal::SparseTypesTrait<Scalar>::NumericFactorizationDeleter;
AccelerateImpl() {
m_isInitialized = false;
auto check_flag_set = [](int value, int flag) { return ((value & flag) == flag); };
if (check_flag_set(UpLo_, Symmetric)) {
m_sparseKind = SparseSymmetric;
m_triType = (UpLo_ & Lower) ? SparseLowerTriangle : SparseUpperTriangle;
} else if (check_flag_set(UpLo_, UnitLower)) {
m_sparseKind = SparseUnitTriangular;
m_triType = SparseLowerTriangle;
} else if (check_flag_set(UpLo_, UnitUpper)) {
m_sparseKind = SparseUnitTriangular;
m_triType = SparseUpperTriangle;
} else if (check_flag_set(UpLo_, StrictlyLower)) {
m_sparseKind = SparseTriangular;
m_triType = SparseLowerTriangle;
} else if (check_flag_set(UpLo_, StrictlyUpper)) {
m_sparseKind = SparseTriangular;
m_triType = SparseUpperTriangle;
} else if (check_flag_set(UpLo_, Lower)) {
m_sparseKind = SparseTriangular;
m_triType = SparseLowerTriangle;
} else if (check_flag_set(UpLo_, Upper)) {
m_sparseKind = SparseTriangular;
m_triType = SparseUpperTriangle;
} else {
m_sparseKind = SparseOrdinary;
m_triType = (UpLo_ & Lower) ? SparseLowerTriangle : SparseUpperTriangle;
m_order = SparseOrderDefault;
explicit AccelerateImpl(const MatrixType& matrix) : AccelerateImpl() { compute(matrix); }
~AccelerateImpl() {}
inline Index cols() const { return m_nCols; }
inline Index rows() const { return m_nRows; }
ComputationInfo info() const {
eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "Decomposition is not initialized.");
return m_info;
void analyzePattern(const MatrixType& matrix);
void factorize(const MatrixType& matrix);
void compute(const MatrixType& matrix);
template <typename Rhs, typename Dest>
void _solve_impl(const MatrixBase<Rhs>& b, MatrixBase<Dest>& dest) const;
/** Sets the ordering algorithm to use. */
void setOrder(SparseOrder_t order) { m_order = order; }
template <typename T>
void buildAccelSparseMatrix(const SparseMatrix<T>& a, AccelSparseMatrix& A, std::vector<long>& columnStarts) {
const Index nColumnsStarts = a.cols() + 1;
for (Index i = 0; i < nColumnsStarts; i++) columnStarts[i] = a.outerIndexPtr()[i];
SparseAttributes_t attributes{};
attributes.transpose = false;
attributes.triangle = m_triType;
attributes.kind = m_sparseKind;
SparseMatrixStructure structure{};
structure.attributes = attributes;
structure.rowCount = static_cast<int>(a.rows());
structure.columnCount = static_cast<int>(a.cols());
structure.blockSize = 1;
structure.columnStarts =;
structure.rowIndices = const_cast<int*>(a.innerIndexPtr());
A.structure = structure; = const_cast<T*>(a.valuePtr());
void doAnalysis(AccelSparseMatrix& A) {
SparseSymbolicFactorOptions opts{};
opts.control = SparseDefaultControl;
opts.orderMethod = m_order;
opts.order = nullptr;
opts.ignoreRowsAndColumns = nullptr;
opts.malloc = malloc; = free;
opts.reportError = nullptr;
m_symbolicFactorization.reset(new SymbolicFactorization(SparseFactor(Solver_, A.structure, opts)));
SparseStatus_t status = m_symbolicFactorization->status;
if (status != SparseStatusOK) m_symbolicFactorization.reset(nullptr);
void doFactorization(AccelSparseMatrix& A) {
SparseStatus_t status = SparseStatusReleased;
if (m_symbolicFactorization) {
m_numericFactorization.reset(new NumericFactorization(SparseFactor(*m_symbolicFactorization, A)));
status = m_numericFactorization->status;
if (status != SparseStatusOK) m_numericFactorization.reset(nullptr);
void updateInfoStatus(SparseStatus_t status) const {
switch (status) {
case SparseStatusOK:
m_info = Success;
case SparseFactorizationFailed:
case SparseMatrixIsSingular:
m_info = NumericalIssue;
case SparseInternalError:
case SparseParameterError:
case SparseStatusReleased:
m_info = InvalidInput;
mutable ComputationInfo m_info;
Index m_nRows, m_nCols;
std::unique_ptr<SymbolicFactorization, SymbolicFactorizationDeleter> m_symbolicFactorization;
std::unique_ptr<NumericFactorization, NumericFactorizationDeleter> m_numericFactorization;
SparseKind_t m_sparseKind;
SparseTriangle_t m_triType;
SparseOrder_t m_order;
/** Computes the symbolic and numeric decomposition of matrix \a a */
template <typename MatrixType_, int UpLo_, SparseFactorization_t Solver_, bool EnforceSquare_>
void AccelerateImpl<MatrixType_, UpLo_, Solver_, EnforceSquare_>::compute(const MatrixType& a) {
if (EnforceSquare_) eigen_assert(a.rows() == a.cols());
m_nRows = a.rows();
m_nCols = a.cols();
AccelSparseMatrix A{};
std::vector<long> columnStarts;
buildAccelSparseMatrix(a, A, columnStarts);
if (m_symbolicFactorization) doFactorization(A);
m_isInitialized = true;
/** Performs a symbolic decomposition on the sparsity pattern of matrix \a a.
* This function is particularly useful when solving for several problems having the same structure.
* \sa factorize()
template <typename MatrixType_, int UpLo_, SparseFactorization_t Solver_, bool EnforceSquare_>
void AccelerateImpl<MatrixType_, UpLo_, Solver_, EnforceSquare_>::analyzePattern(const MatrixType& a) {
if (EnforceSquare_) eigen_assert(a.rows() == a.cols());
m_nRows = a.rows();
m_nCols = a.cols();
AccelSparseMatrix A{};
std::vector<long> columnStarts;
buildAccelSparseMatrix(a, A, columnStarts);
m_isInitialized = true;
/** Performs a numeric decomposition of matrix \a a.
* The given matrix must have the same sparsity pattern as the matrix on which the symbolic decomposition has been
* performed.
* \sa analyzePattern()
template <typename MatrixType_, int UpLo_, SparseFactorization_t Solver_, bool EnforceSquare_>
void AccelerateImpl<MatrixType_, UpLo_, Solver_, EnforceSquare_>::factorize(const MatrixType& a) {
eigen_assert(m_symbolicFactorization && "You must first call analyzePattern()");
eigen_assert(m_nRows == a.rows() && m_nCols == a.cols());
if (EnforceSquare_) eigen_assert(a.rows() == a.cols());
AccelSparseMatrix A{};
std::vector<long> columnStarts;
buildAccelSparseMatrix(a, A, columnStarts);
template <typename MatrixType_, int UpLo_, SparseFactorization_t Solver_, bool EnforceSquare_>
template <typename Rhs, typename Dest>
void AccelerateImpl<MatrixType_, UpLo_, Solver_, EnforceSquare_>::_solve_impl(const MatrixBase<Rhs>& b,
MatrixBase<Dest>& x) const {
if (!m_numericFactorization) {
m_info = InvalidInput;
eigen_assert(m_nRows == b.rows());
eigen_assert(((b.cols() == 1) || b.outerStride() == b.rows()));
SparseStatus_t status = SparseStatusOK;
Scalar* b_ptr = const_cast<Scalar*>(b.derived().data());
Scalar* x_ptr = const_cast<Scalar*>(x.derived().data());
AccelDenseMatrix xmat{};
xmat.attributes = SparseAttributes_t();
xmat.columnCount = static_cast<int>(x.cols());
xmat.rowCount = static_cast<int>(x.rows());
xmat.columnStride = xmat.rowCount; = x_ptr;
AccelDenseMatrix bmat{};
bmat.attributes = SparseAttributes_t();
bmat.columnCount = static_cast<int>(b.cols());
bmat.rowCount = static_cast<int>(b.rows());
bmat.columnStride = bmat.rowCount; = b_ptr;
SparseSolve(*m_numericFactorization, bmat, xmat);
} // end namespace Eigen