blob: 3a32f19e5e04954c4903c7c4efc4990da00ed806 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Benoit Jacob <>
// Copyright (C) 2009 Gael Guennebaud <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
#include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
template<typename MatrixType_> struct traits<PartialPivLU<MatrixType_> >
: traits<MatrixType_>
typedef MatrixXpr XprKind;
typedef SolverStorage StorageKind;
typedef int StorageIndex;
typedef traits<MatrixType_> BaseTraits;
enum {
Flags = BaseTraits::Flags & RowMajorBit,
CoeffReadCost = Dynamic
template<typename T,typename Derived>
struct enable_if_ref;
// {
// typedef Derived type;
// };
template<typename T,typename Derived>
struct enable_if_ref<Ref<T>,Derived> {
typedef Derived type;
} // end namespace internal
/** \ingroup LU_Module
* \class PartialPivLU
* \brief LU decomposition of a matrix with partial pivoting, and related features
* \tparam MatrixType_ the type of the matrix of which we are computing the LU decomposition
* This class represents a LU decomposition of a \b square \b invertible matrix, with partial pivoting: the matrix A
* is decomposed as A = PLU where L is unit-lower-triangular, U is upper-triangular, and P
* is a permutation matrix.
* Typically, partial pivoting LU decomposition is only considered numerically stable for square invertible
* matrices. Thus LAPACK's dgesv and dgesvx require the matrix to be square and invertible. The present class
* does the same. It will assert that the matrix is square, but it won't (actually it can't) check that the
* matrix is invertible: it is your task to check that you only use this decomposition on invertible matrices.
* The guaranteed safe alternative, working for all matrices, is the full pivoting LU decomposition, provided
* by class FullPivLU.
* This is \b not a rank-revealing LU decomposition. Many features are intentionally absent from this class,
* such as rank computation. If you need these features, use class FullPivLU.
* This LU decomposition is suitable to invert invertible matrices. It is what MatrixBase::inverse() uses
* in the general case.
* On the other hand, it is \b not suitable to determine whether a given matrix is invertible.
* The data of the LU decomposition can be directly accessed through the methods matrixLU(), permutationP().
* This class supports the \link InplaceDecomposition inplace decomposition \endlink mechanism.
* \sa MatrixBase::partialPivLu(), MatrixBase::determinant(), MatrixBase::inverse(), MatrixBase::computeInverse(), class FullPivLU
template<typename MatrixType_> class PartialPivLU
: public SolverBase<PartialPivLU<MatrixType_> >
typedef MatrixType_ MatrixType;
typedef SolverBase<PartialPivLU> Base;
friend class SolverBase<PartialPivLU>;
enum {
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime
typedef PermutationMatrix<RowsAtCompileTime, MaxRowsAtCompileTime> PermutationType;
typedef Transpositions<RowsAtCompileTime, MaxRowsAtCompileTime> TranspositionType;
typedef typename MatrixType::PlainObject PlainObject;
* \brief Default Constructor.
* The default constructor is useful in cases in which the user intends to
* perform decompositions via PartialPivLU::compute(const MatrixType&).
/** \brief Default Constructor with memory preallocation
* Like the default constructor but with preallocation of the internal data
* according to the specified problem \a size.
* \sa PartialPivLU()
explicit PartialPivLU(Index size);
/** Constructor.
* \param matrix the matrix of which to compute the LU decomposition.
* \warning The matrix should have full rank (e.g. if it's square, it should be invertible).
* If you need to deal with non-full rank, use class FullPivLU instead.
template<typename InputType>
explicit PartialPivLU(const EigenBase<InputType>& matrix);
/** Constructor for \link InplaceDecomposition inplace decomposition \endlink
* \param matrix the matrix of which to compute the LU decomposition.
* \warning The matrix should have full rank (e.g. if it's square, it should be invertible).
* If you need to deal with non-full rank, use class FullPivLU instead.
template<typename InputType>
explicit PartialPivLU(EigenBase<InputType>& matrix);
template<typename InputType>
PartialPivLU& compute(const EigenBase<InputType>& matrix) {
m_lu = matrix.derived();
return *this;
/** \returns the LU decomposition matrix: the upper-triangular part is U, the
* unit-lower-triangular part is L (at least for square matrices; in the non-square
* case, special care is needed, see the documentation of class FullPivLU).
* \sa matrixL(), matrixU()
inline const MatrixType& matrixLU() const
eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "PartialPivLU is not initialized.");
return m_lu;
/** \returns the permutation matrix P.
inline const PermutationType& permutationP() const
eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "PartialPivLU is not initialized.");
return m_p;
/** This method returns the solution x to the equation Ax=b, where A is the matrix of which
* *this is the LU decomposition.
* \param b the right-hand-side of the equation to solve. Can be a vector or a matrix,
* the only requirement in order for the equation to make sense is that
* b.rows()==A.rows(), where A is the matrix of which *this is the LU decomposition.
* \returns the solution.
* Example: \include PartialPivLU_solve.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude PartialPivLU_solve.out
* Since this PartialPivLU class assumes anyway that the matrix A is invertible, the solution
* theoretically exists and is unique regardless of b.
* \sa TriangularView::solve(), inverse(), computeInverse()
template<typename Rhs>
inline const Solve<PartialPivLU, Rhs>
solve(const MatrixBase<Rhs>& b) const;
/** \returns an estimate of the reciprocal condition number of the matrix of which \c *this is
the LU decomposition.
inline RealScalar rcond() const
eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "PartialPivLU is not initialized.");
return internal::rcond_estimate_helper(m_l1_norm, *this);
/** \returns the inverse of the matrix of which *this is the LU decomposition.
* \warning The matrix being decomposed here is assumed to be invertible. If you need to check for
* invertibility, use class FullPivLU instead.
* \sa MatrixBase::inverse(), LU::inverse()
inline const Inverse<PartialPivLU> inverse() const
eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "PartialPivLU is not initialized.");
return Inverse<PartialPivLU>(*this);
/** \returns the determinant of the matrix of which
* *this is the LU decomposition. It has only linear complexity
* (that is, O(n) where n is the dimension of the square matrix)
* as the LU decomposition has already been computed.
* \note For fixed-size matrices of size up to 4, MatrixBase::determinant() offers
* optimized paths.
* \warning a determinant can be very big or small, so for matrices
* of large enough dimension, there is a risk of overflow/underflow.
* \sa MatrixBase::determinant()
Scalar determinant() const;
MatrixType reconstructedMatrix() const;
EIGEN_CONSTEXPR inline Index rows() const EIGEN_NOEXCEPT { return m_lu.rows(); }
EIGEN_CONSTEXPR inline Index cols() const EIGEN_NOEXCEPT { return m_lu.cols(); }
template<typename RhsType, typename DstType>
void _solve_impl(const RhsType &rhs, DstType &dst) const {
/* The decomposition PA = LU can be rewritten as A = P^{-1} L U.
* So we proceed as follows:
* Step 1: compute c = Pb.
* Step 2: replace c by the solution x to Lx = c.
* Step 3: replace c by the solution x to Ux = c.
// Step 1
dst = permutationP() * rhs;
// Step 2
m_lu.template triangularView<UnitLower>().solveInPlace(dst);
// Step 3
m_lu.template triangularView<Upper>().solveInPlace(dst);
template<bool Conjugate, typename RhsType, typename DstType>
void _solve_impl_transposed(const RhsType &rhs, DstType &dst) const {
/* The decomposition PA = LU can be rewritten as A^T = U^T L^T P.
* So we proceed as follows:
* Step 1: compute c as the solution to L^T c = b
* Step 2: replace c by the solution x to U^T x = c.
* Step 3: update c = P^-1 c.
eigen_assert(rhs.rows() == m_lu.cols());
// Step 1
dst = m_lu.template triangularView<Upper>().transpose()
.template conjugateIf<Conjugate>().solve(rhs);
// Step 2
m_lu.template triangularView<UnitLower>().transpose()
.template conjugateIf<Conjugate>().solveInPlace(dst);
// Step 3
dst = permutationP().transpose() * dst;
void compute();
MatrixType m_lu;
PermutationType m_p;
TranspositionType m_rowsTranspositions;
RealScalar m_l1_norm;
signed char m_det_p;
bool m_isInitialized;
template<typename MatrixType>
: m_lu(),
template<typename MatrixType>
PartialPivLU<MatrixType>::PartialPivLU(Index size)
: m_lu(size, size),
template<typename MatrixType>
template<typename InputType>
PartialPivLU<MatrixType>::PartialPivLU(const EigenBase<InputType>& matrix)
: m_lu(matrix.rows(),matrix.cols()),
template<typename MatrixType>
template<typename InputType>
PartialPivLU<MatrixType>::PartialPivLU(EigenBase<InputType>& matrix)
: m_lu(matrix.derived()),
namespace internal {
/** \internal This is the blocked version of fullpivlu_unblocked() */
template<typename Scalar, int StorageOrder, typename PivIndex, int SizeAtCompileTime=Dynamic>
struct partial_lu_impl
static const int UnBlockedBound = 16;
static const bool UnBlockedAtCompileTime = SizeAtCompileTime!=Dynamic && SizeAtCompileTime<=UnBlockedBound;
static const int ActualSizeAtCompileTime = UnBlockedAtCompileTime ? SizeAtCompileTime : Dynamic;
// Remaining rows and columns at compile-time:
static const int RRows = SizeAtCompileTime==2 ? 1 : Dynamic;
static const int RCols = SizeAtCompileTime==2 ? 1 : Dynamic;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, ActualSizeAtCompileTime, ActualSizeAtCompileTime, StorageOrder> MatrixType;
typedef Ref<MatrixType> MatrixTypeRef;
typedef Ref<Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic, StorageOrder> > BlockType;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
/** \internal performs the LU decomposition in-place of the matrix \a lu
* using an unblocked algorithm.
* In addition, this function returns the row transpositions in the
* vector \a row_transpositions which must have a size equal to the number
* of columns of the matrix \a lu, and an integer \a nb_transpositions
* which returns the actual number of transpositions.
* \returns The index of the first pivot which is exactly zero if any, or a negative number otherwise.
static Index unblocked_lu(MatrixTypeRef& lu, PivIndex* row_transpositions, PivIndex& nb_transpositions)
typedef scalar_score_coeff_op<Scalar> Scoring;
typedef typename Scoring::result_type Score;
const Index rows = lu.rows();
const Index cols = lu.cols();
const Index size = (std::min)(rows,cols);
// For small compile-time matrices it is worth processing the last row separately:
// speedup: +100% for 2x2, +10% for others.
const Index endk = UnBlockedAtCompileTime ? size-1 : size;
nb_transpositions = 0;
Index first_zero_pivot = -1;
for(Index k = 0; k < endk; ++k)
int rrows = internal::convert_index<int>(rows-k-1);
int rcols = internal::convert_index<int>(cols-k-1);
Index row_of_biggest_in_col;
Score biggest_in_corner
= lu.col(k).tail(rows-k).unaryExpr(Scoring()).maxCoeff(&row_of_biggest_in_col);
row_of_biggest_in_col += k;
row_transpositions[k] = PivIndex(row_of_biggest_in_col);
if(k != row_of_biggest_in_col)
lu.col(k).tail(fix<RRows>(rrows)) /= lu.coeff(k,k);
else if(first_zero_pivot==-1)
// the pivot is exactly zero, we record the index of the first pivot which is exactly 0,
// and continue the factorization such we still have A = PLU
first_zero_pivot = k;
lu.bottomRightCorner(fix<RRows>(rrows),fix<RCols>(rcols)).noalias() -= lu.col(k).tail(fix<RRows>(rrows)) * lu.row(k).tail(fix<RCols>(rcols));
// special handling of the last entry
Index k = endk;
row_transpositions[k] = PivIndex(k);
if (numext::is_exactly_zero(Scoring()(lu(k, k))) && first_zero_pivot == -1)
first_zero_pivot = k;
return first_zero_pivot;
/** \internal performs the LU decomposition in-place of the matrix represented
* by the variables \a rows, \a cols, \a lu_data, and \a lu_stride using a
* recursive, blocked algorithm.
* In addition, this function returns the row transpositions in the
* vector \a row_transpositions which must have a size equal to the number
* of columns of the matrix \a lu, and an integer \a nb_transpositions
* which returns the actual number of transpositions.
* \returns The index of the first pivot which is exactly zero if any, or a negative number otherwise.
* \note This very low level interface using pointers, etc. is to:
* 1 - reduce the number of instantiations to the strict minimum
* 2 - avoid infinite recursion of the instantiations with Block<Block<Block<...> > >
static Index blocked_lu(Index rows, Index cols, Scalar* lu_data, Index luStride, PivIndex* row_transpositions, PivIndex& nb_transpositions, Index maxBlockSize=256)
MatrixTypeRef lu = MatrixType::Map(lu_data,rows, cols, OuterStride<>(luStride));
const Index size = (std::min)(rows,cols);
// if the matrix is too small, no blocking:
if(UnBlockedAtCompileTime || size<=UnBlockedBound)
return unblocked_lu(lu, row_transpositions, nb_transpositions);
// automatically adjust the number of subdivisions to the size
// of the matrix so that there is enough sub blocks:
Index blockSize;
blockSize = size/8;
blockSize = (blockSize/16)*16;
blockSize = (std::min)((std::max)(blockSize,Index(8)), maxBlockSize);
nb_transpositions = 0;
Index first_zero_pivot = -1;
for(Index k = 0; k < size; k+=blockSize)
Index bs = (std::min)(size-k,blockSize); // actual size of the block
Index trows = rows - k - bs; // trailing rows
Index tsize = size - k - bs; // trailing size
// partition the matrix:
// A00 | A01 | A02
// lu = A_0 | A_1 | A_2 = A10 | A11 | A12
// A20 | A21 | A22
BlockType A_0 = lu.block(0,0,rows,k);
BlockType A_2 = lu.block(0,k+bs,rows,tsize);
BlockType A11 = lu.block(k,k,bs,bs);
BlockType A12 = lu.block(k,k+bs,bs,tsize);
BlockType A21 = lu.block(k+bs,k,trows,bs);
BlockType A22 = lu.block(k+bs,k+bs,trows,tsize);
PivIndex nb_transpositions_in_panel;
// recursively call the blocked LU algorithm on [A11^T A21^T]^T
// with a very small blocking size:
Index ret = blocked_lu(trows+bs, bs, &lu.coeffRef(k,k), luStride,
row_transpositions+k, nb_transpositions_in_panel, 16);
if(ret>=0 && first_zero_pivot==-1)
first_zero_pivot = k+ret;
nb_transpositions += nb_transpositions_in_panel;
// update permutations and apply them to A_0
for(Index i=k; i<k+bs; ++i)
Index piv = (row_transpositions[i] += internal::convert_index<PivIndex>(k));
// apply permutations to A_2
for(Index i=k;i<k+bs; ++i)
// A12 = A11^-1 A12
A11.template triangularView<UnitLower>().solveInPlace(A12);
A22.noalias() -= A21 * A12;
return first_zero_pivot;
/** \internal performs the LU decomposition with partial pivoting in-place.
template<typename MatrixType, typename TranspositionType>
void partial_lu_inplace(MatrixType& lu, TranspositionType& row_transpositions, typename TranspositionType::StorageIndex& nb_transpositions)
// Special-case of zero matrix.
if (lu.rows() == 0 || lu.cols() == 0) {
nb_transpositions = 0;
eigen_assert(lu.cols() == row_transpositions.size());
eigen_assert(row_transpositions.size() < 2 || (&row_transpositions.coeffRef(1)-&row_transpositions.coeffRef(0)) == 1);
< typename MatrixType::Scalar, MatrixType::Flags&RowMajorBit?RowMajor:ColMajor,
typename TranspositionType::StorageIndex,
internal::min_size_prefer_fixed(MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime, MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime)>
::blocked_lu(lu.rows(), lu.cols(), &lu.coeffRef(0,0), lu.outerStride(), &row_transpositions.coeffRef(0), nb_transpositions);
} // end namespace internal
template<typename MatrixType>
void PartialPivLU<MatrixType>::compute()
// the row permutation is stored as int indices, so just to be sure:
m_l1_norm = m_lu.cwiseAbs().colwise().sum().maxCoeff();
m_l1_norm = RealScalar(0);
eigen_assert(m_lu.rows() == m_lu.cols() && "PartialPivLU is only for square (and moreover invertible) matrices");
const Index size = m_lu.rows();
typename TranspositionType::StorageIndex nb_transpositions;
internal::partial_lu_inplace(m_lu, m_rowsTranspositions, nb_transpositions);
m_det_p = (nb_transpositions%2) ? -1 : 1;
m_p = m_rowsTranspositions;
m_isInitialized = true;
template<typename MatrixType>
typename PartialPivLU<MatrixType>::Scalar PartialPivLU<MatrixType>::determinant() const
eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "PartialPivLU is not initialized.");
return Scalar(m_det_p) * m_lu.diagonal().prod();
/** \returns the matrix represented by the decomposition,
* i.e., it returns the product: P^{-1} L U.
* This function is provided for debug purpose. */
template<typename MatrixType>
MatrixType PartialPivLU<MatrixType>::reconstructedMatrix() const
eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "LU is not initialized.");
// LU
MatrixType res = m_lu.template triangularView<UnitLower>().toDenseMatrix()
* m_lu.template triangularView<Upper>();
// P^{-1}(LU)
res = m_p.inverse() * res;
return res;
/***** Implementation details *****************************************************/
namespace internal {
/***** Implementation of inverse() *****************************************************/
template<typename DstXprType, typename MatrixType>
struct Assignment<DstXprType, Inverse<PartialPivLU<MatrixType> >, internal::assign_op<typename DstXprType::Scalar,typename PartialPivLU<MatrixType>::Scalar>, Dense2Dense>
typedef PartialPivLU<MatrixType> LuType;
typedef Inverse<LuType> SrcXprType;
static void run(DstXprType &dst, const SrcXprType &src, const internal::assign_op<typename DstXprType::Scalar,typename LuType::Scalar> &)
dst = src.nestedExpression().solve(MatrixType::Identity(src.rows(), src.cols()));
} // end namespace internal
/******** MatrixBase methods *******/
/** \lu_module
* \return the partial-pivoting LU decomposition of \c *this.
* \sa class PartialPivLU
template<typename Derived>
inline const PartialPivLU<typename MatrixBase<Derived>::PlainObject>
MatrixBase<Derived>::partialPivLu() const
return PartialPivLU<PlainObject>(eval());
/** \lu_module
* Synonym of partialPivLu().
* \return the partial-pivoting LU decomposition of \c *this.
* \sa class PartialPivLU
template<typename Derived>
inline const PartialPivLU<typename MatrixBase<Derived>::PlainObject>
MatrixBase<Derived>::lu() const
return PartialPivLU<PlainObject>(eval());
} // end namespace Eigen