blob: eb7bca1da8c4e6b57e6119ef3e237f334ddb6f61 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2007 Michael Olbrich <>
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Benoit Jacob <>
// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <>
// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// Eigen. If not, see <>.
* Part 1 : the logic deciding a strategy for traversal and unrolling *
template <typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
struct ei_assign_traits
enum {
DstIsAligned = Derived::Flags & AlignedBit,
DstHasDirectAccess = Derived::Flags & DirectAccessBit,
SrcIsAligned = OtherDerived::Flags & AlignedBit,
JointAlignment = DstIsAligned && SrcIsAligned ? Aligned : Unaligned
enum {
InnerSize = int(Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime) ? int(Derived::SizeAtCompileTime)
: int(Derived::Flags)&RowMajorBit ? int(Derived::ColsAtCompileTime)
: int(Derived::RowsAtCompileTime),
InnerMaxSize = int(Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime) ? int(Derived::MaxSizeAtCompileTime)
: int(Derived::Flags)&RowMajorBit ? int(Derived::MaxColsAtCompileTime)
: int(Derived::MaxRowsAtCompileTime),
MaxSizeAtCompileTime = Derived::SizeAtCompileTime,
PacketSize = ei_packet_traits<typename Derived::Scalar>::size
enum {
StorageOrdersAgree = (int(Derived::IsRowMajor) == int(OtherDerived::IsRowMajor)),
MightVectorize = StorageOrdersAgree
&& (int(Derived::Flags) & int(OtherDerived::Flags) & ActualPacketAccessBit),
MayInnerVectorize = MightVectorize && int(InnerSize)!=Dynamic && int(InnerSize)%int(PacketSize)==0
&& int(DstIsAligned) && int(SrcIsAligned),
MayLinearize = StorageOrdersAgree && (int(Derived::Flags) & int(OtherDerived::Flags) & LinearAccessBit),
MayLinearVectorize = MightVectorize && MayLinearize && DstHasDirectAccess
&& (DstIsAligned || MaxSizeAtCompileTime == Dynamic),
/* If the destination isn't aligned, we have to do runtime checks and we don't unroll,
so it's only good for large enough sizes. */
MaySliceVectorize = MightVectorize && DstHasDirectAccess && int(InnerMaxSize)>=3*PacketSize
/* slice vectorization can be slow, so we only want it if the slices are big, which is
indicated by InnerMaxSize rather than InnerSize, think of the case of a dynamic block
in a fixed-size matrix */
enum {
Traversal = int(MayInnerVectorize) ? int(InnerVectorizedTraversal)
: int(MayLinearVectorize) ? int(LinearVectorizedTraversal)
: int(MaySliceVectorize) ? int(SliceVectorizedTraversal)
: int(MayLinearize) ? int(LinearTraversal)
: int(DefaultTraversal),
Vectorized = int(Traversal) == InnerVectorizedTraversal
|| int(Traversal) == LinearVectorizedTraversal
|| int(Traversal) == SliceVectorizedTraversal
enum {
UnrollingLimit = EIGEN_UNROLLING_LIMIT * (Vectorized ? int(PacketSize) : 1),
MayUnrollCompletely = int(Derived::SizeAtCompileTime) * int(OtherDerived::CoeffReadCost) <= int(UnrollingLimit),
MayUnrollInner = int(InnerSize) * int(OtherDerived::CoeffReadCost) <= int(UnrollingLimit)
enum {
Unrolling = (int(Traversal) == int(InnerVectorizedTraversal) || int(Traversal) == int(DefaultTraversal))
? (
int(MayUnrollCompletely) ? int(CompleteUnrolling)
: int(MayUnrollInner) ? int(InnerUnrolling)
: int(NoUnrolling)
: int(Traversal) == int(LinearVectorizedTraversal)
? ( int(MayUnrollCompletely) && int(DstIsAligned) ? int(CompleteUnrolling) : int(NoUnrolling) )
: int(Traversal) == int(LinearTraversal)
? ( int(MayUnrollCompletely) ? int(CompleteUnrolling) : int(NoUnrolling) )
: int(NoUnrolling)
static void debug()
* Part 2 : meta-unrollers
*** Default traversal ***
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2, int Index, int Stop>
struct ei_assign_DefaultTraversal_CompleteUnrolling
enum {
outer = Index / Derived1::InnerSizeAtCompileTime,
inner = Index % Derived1::InnerSizeAtCompileTime
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
dst.copyCoeffByOuterInner(outer, inner, src);
ei_assign_DefaultTraversal_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, Index+1, Stop>::run(dst, src);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2, int Stop>
struct ei_assign_DefaultTraversal_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, Stop, Stop>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &, const Derived2 &) {}
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2, int Index, int Stop>
struct ei_assign_DefaultTraversal_InnerUnrolling
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src, int outer)
dst.copyCoeffByOuterInner(outer, Index, src);
ei_assign_DefaultTraversal_InnerUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, Index+1, Stop>::run(dst, src, outer);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2, int Stop>
struct ei_assign_DefaultTraversal_InnerUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, Stop, Stop>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &, const Derived2 &, int) {}
*** Linear traversal ***
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2, int Index, int Stop>
struct ei_assign_LinearTraversal_CompleteUnrolling
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
dst.copyCoeff(Index, src);
ei_assign_LinearTraversal_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, Index+1, Stop>::run(dst, src);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2, int Stop>
struct ei_assign_LinearTraversal_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, Stop, Stop>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &, const Derived2 &) {}
*** Inner vectorization ***
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2, int Index, int Stop>
struct ei_assign_innervec_CompleteUnrolling
enum {
outer = Index / Derived1::InnerSizeAtCompileTime,
inner = Index % Derived1::InnerSizeAtCompileTime,
JointAlignment = ei_assign_traits<Derived1,Derived2>::JointAlignment
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
dst.template copyPacketByOuterInner<Derived2, Aligned, JointAlignment>(outer, inner, src);
ei_assign_innervec_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2,
Index+ei_packet_traits<typename Derived1::Scalar>::size, Stop>::run(dst, src);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2, int Stop>
struct ei_assign_innervec_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, Stop, Stop>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &, const Derived2 &) {}
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2, int Index, int Stop>
struct ei_assign_innervec_InnerUnrolling
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src, int outer)
dst.template copyPacketByOuterInner<Derived2, Aligned, Aligned>(outer, Index, src);
ei_assign_innervec_InnerUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2,
Index+ei_packet_traits<typename Derived1::Scalar>::size, Stop>::run(dst, src, outer);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2, int Stop>
struct ei_assign_innervec_InnerUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, Stop, Stop>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &, const Derived2 &, int) {}
* Part 3 : implementation of all cases
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2,
int Traversal = ei_assign_traits<Derived1, Derived2>::Traversal,
int Unrolling = ei_assign_traits<Derived1, Derived2>::Unrolling>
struct ei_assign_impl;
*** Default traversal ***
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, DefaultTraversal, NoUnrolling>
inline static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
const int innerSize = dst.innerSize();
const int outerSize = dst.outerSize();
for(int outer = 0; outer < outerSize; ++outer)
for(int inner = 0; inner < innerSize; ++inner)
dst.copyCoeffByOuterInner(outer, inner, src);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, DefaultTraversal, CompleteUnrolling>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
ei_assign_DefaultTraversal_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, 0, Derived1::SizeAtCompileTime>
::run(dst, src);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, DefaultTraversal, InnerUnrolling>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
const int outerSize = dst.outerSize();
for(int outer = 0; outer < outerSize; ++outer)
ei_assign_DefaultTraversal_InnerUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, 0, Derived1::InnerSizeAtCompileTime>
::run(dst, src, outer);
*** Linear traversal ***
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, LinearTraversal, NoUnrolling>
inline static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
const int size = dst.size();
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
dst.copyCoeff(i, src);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, LinearTraversal, CompleteUnrolling>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
ei_assign_LinearTraversal_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, 0, Derived1::SizeAtCompileTime>
::run(dst, src);
*** Inner vectorization ***
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, InnerVectorizedTraversal, NoUnrolling>
inline static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
const int innerSize = dst.innerSize();
const int outerSize = dst.outerSize();
const int packetSize = ei_packet_traits<typename Derived1::Scalar>::size;
for(int outer = 0; outer < outerSize; ++outer)
for(int inner = 0; inner < innerSize; inner+=packetSize)
dst.template copyPacketByOuterInner<Derived2, Aligned, Aligned>(outer, inner, src);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, InnerVectorizedTraversal, CompleteUnrolling>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
ei_assign_innervec_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, 0, Derived1::SizeAtCompileTime>
::run(dst, src);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, InnerVectorizedTraversal, InnerUnrolling>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
const int outerSize = dst.outerSize();
for(int outer = 0; outer < outerSize; ++outer)
ei_assign_innervec_InnerUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, 0, Derived1::InnerSizeAtCompileTime>
::run(dst, src, outer);
*** Linear vectorization ***
template <bool IsAligned = false>
struct ei_unaligned_assign_impl
template <typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void run(const Derived&, OtherDerived&, int, int) {}
template <>
struct ei_unaligned_assign_impl<false>
// MSVC must not inline this functions. If it does, it fails to optimize the
// packet access path.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
template <typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
static EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void run(const Derived& src, OtherDerived& dst, int start, int end)
template <typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void run(const Derived& src, OtherDerived& dst, int start, int end)
for (int index = start; index < end; ++index)
dst.copyCoeff(index, src);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, LinearVectorizedTraversal, NoUnrolling>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
const int size = dst.size();
const int packetSize = ei_packet_traits<typename Derived1::Scalar>::size;
const int alignedStart = ei_assign_traits<Derived1,Derived2>::DstIsAligned ? 0
: ei_first_aligned(&dst.coeffRef(0), size);
const int alignedEnd = alignedStart + ((size-alignedStart)/packetSize)*packetSize;
for(int index = alignedStart; index < alignedEnd; index += packetSize)
dst.template copyPacket<Derived2, Aligned, ei_assign_traits<Derived1,Derived2>::JointAlignment>(index, src);
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, LinearVectorizedTraversal, CompleteUnrolling>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
const int size = Derived1::SizeAtCompileTime;
const int packetSize = ei_packet_traits<typename Derived1::Scalar>::size;
const int alignedSize = (size/packetSize)*packetSize;
ei_assign_innervec_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, 0, alignedSize>::run(dst, src);
ei_assign_DefaultTraversal_CompleteUnrolling<Derived1, Derived2, alignedSize, size>::run(dst, src);
*** Slice vectorization ***
template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
struct ei_assign_impl<Derived1, Derived2, SliceVectorizedTraversal, NoUnrolling>
inline static void run(Derived1 &dst, const Derived2 &src)
const int packetSize = ei_packet_traits<typename Derived1::Scalar>::size;
const int packetAlignedMask = packetSize - 1;
const int innerSize = dst.innerSize();
const int outerSize = dst.outerSize();
const int alignedStep = (packetSize - dst.outerStride() % packetSize) & packetAlignedMask;
int alignedStart = ei_assign_traits<Derived1,Derived2>::DstIsAligned ? 0
: ei_first_aligned(&dst.coeffRef(0,0), innerSize);
for(int outer = 0; outer < outerSize; ++outer)
const int alignedEnd = alignedStart + ((innerSize-alignedStart) & ~packetAlignedMask);
// do the non-vectorizable part of the assignment
for(int inner = 0; inner<alignedStart ; ++inner)
dst.copyCoeffByOuterInner(outer, inner, src);
// do the vectorizable part of the assignment
for(int inner = alignedStart; inner<alignedEnd; inner+=packetSize)
dst.template copyPacketByOuterInner<Derived2, Aligned, Unaligned>(outer, inner, src);
// do the non-vectorizable part of the assignment
for(int inner = alignedEnd; inner<innerSize ; ++inner)
dst.copyCoeffByOuterInner(outer, inner, src);
alignedStart = std::min<int>((alignedStart+alignedStep)%packetSize, innerSize);
* Part 4 : implementation of DenseBase methods
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& DenseBase<Derived>
::lazyAssign(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((ei_is_same_type<typename Derived::Scalar, typename OtherDerived::Scalar>::ret),
ei_assign_traits<Derived, OtherDerived>::debug();
ei_assert(rows() == other.rows() && cols() == other.cols());
ei_assign_impl<Derived, OtherDerived>::run(derived(),other.derived());
return derived();
template<typename Derived, typename OtherDerived,
bool EvalBeforeAssigning = (int(OtherDerived::Flags) & EvalBeforeAssigningBit) != 0,
bool NeedToTranspose = Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime
&& OtherDerived::IsVectorAtCompileTime
&& ((int(Derived::RowsAtCompileTime) == 1 && int(OtherDerived::ColsAtCompileTime) == 1)
| // FIXME | instead of || to please GCC 4.4.0 stupid warning "suggest parentheses around &&".
// revert to || as soon as not needed anymore.
(int(Derived::ColsAtCompileTime) == 1 && int(OtherDerived::RowsAtCompileTime) == 1))
&& int(Derived::SizeAtCompileTime) != 1>
struct ei_assign_selector;
template<typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
struct ei_assign_selector<Derived,OtherDerived,false,false> {
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static Derived& run(Derived& dst, const OtherDerived& other) { return dst.lazyAssign(other.derived()); }
template<typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
struct ei_assign_selector<Derived,OtherDerived,true,false> {
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static Derived& run(Derived& dst, const OtherDerived& other) { return dst.lazyAssign(other.eval()); }
template<typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
struct ei_assign_selector<Derived,OtherDerived,false,true> {
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static Derived& run(Derived& dst, const OtherDerived& other) { return dst.lazyAssign(other.transpose()); }
template<typename Derived, typename OtherDerived>
struct ei_assign_selector<Derived,OtherDerived,true,true> {
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static Derived& run(Derived& dst, const OtherDerived& other) { return dst.lazyAssign(other.transpose().eval()); }
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& DenseBase<Derived>::operator=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other)
return ei_assign_selector<Derived,OtherDerived>::run(derived(), other.derived());
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& DenseBase<Derived>::operator=(const DenseBase& other)
return ei_assign_selector<Derived,Derived>::run(derived(), other.derived());
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& MatrixBase<Derived>::operator=(const MatrixBase& other)
return ei_assign_selector<Derived,Derived>::run(derived(), other.derived());
#endif // EIGEN_ASSIGN_H